$500,000 worth of grants coming your way!

Cathy Breed
Published in
4 min readSep 6, 2021

Getting started on your dream blockchain project is a big challenge. Funding, resources and knowledge don’t grow on trees and it’s often difficult to get the sort of support you need to see your world-changing idea come to fruition.

We believe that everyone with an intriguing proof of concept and the ‘go get’ to rock the decentralised world should be given the opportunity to succeed. Enter the CENNZnet grants program. We are offering up to $500,000 NZD to help teams or passionate individuals to build on our chain.

Think this could be you? Read on for more details…

What’s a grant?

In a nutshell, we give you a big chunk of money and some other perks to help you get your idea off the ground.

Why would we do that? Well, CENNZnet is a public blockchain (meaning anyone can use it) and our mission now and from the very beginning, is to give our community ownership and decision-making capability for how the platform will develop. To do that we need lots of cool people from all walks of life digging deep and creating projects which enhance the ecosystem.

Sounds cool, but why should I build on CENNZnet?

CENNZnet is carbon negative Proof of Stake DApp platform. Devs on our network enjoy low predictable gas fees, fast transaction speeds and out of the box runtime modules to give your DApp all the edges.

On top of that we already have a pumping ecosystem of DApps:

  • Glorious: About to take the NFT world by storm, Glorious a world-first creative NFT studio and marketplace offering a curated showcase of premium authentic digital masterpieces from world-class creators across art, sport and music.
  • Sylo: A secure decentralised messaging and wallet app running since 2018. Boasts 400,000+ active users worldwide.
  • CarbonClick: Carbon offsetting supplier dedicated to delivering certified carbon credits that make the world a better more sustainable place.
  • CentraPass: Digital identity toolkit to future-proof customer sign-up, access and authentication experiences.

What’s on offer in the CENNZnet grant?

The big one is funding. The total funding pool for the CENNZnet Grants Program is NZ$500,000 until June 2022.

There are two funding stages for DApp projects:

  • First-time application — up to NZ$15,000
  • Subsequent applications — up to NZ$75,000

These funds can be paid out in NZD, USD, DAI, or CENNZ.

But funding isn’t everything. We know that it takes a lot more than just hard cash to make a successful long term project. To that end we are also providing:

  1. Tech and marketing support: For help with the technical delivery and promotion you will have ready access to our very own team of experts. They will be able to guide you through the intricacies of making a killer DApp plus the users it needs to succeed.
  2. Connections and hookups: this is your big jump into the future of DApp development and we want to make sure you have the connections to sustain your growth. We will get you linked up with specialist investors and our ecosystem of existing DApps and users.
  3. 3 months of gas fees: Noone wants you bleeding money from the start so we are providing a nice buffer to get you rolling before fees apply.

Who should apply?

The Grants Program is open to any project leveraging our platform. Strong technical projects that add value to the ecosystem have the highest chances of being accepted.

Our official selection criteria prioritises projects which display:

  • A well-defined problem: We want to know what you’re trying to solve and why your Dapp is the answer.
  • A defined audience: Who will use your app and users care enough about this problem to use your solution? Explain why it will be an audience success.
  • Team or individual expertise: We want to fund people who know what they are talking about. Demonstrate what you bring to the table and why you’re the team for the job.
  • A sustainable business model: Long term success requires a long term plan. Show us how you plan to build your empire.

What can you build?

To kick off our grants launch we will be focussing on 2 areas for DApp devs:

1. NFT-focused DApps

NFTs are a melting pot of potential. Whether it’s adding some tradeable art, tokenising in-app assets or making a full-scale Metaverse — the possibilities really are endless. Using the CENNZnet NFT runtime module you can incorporate NFTs without the need for smart contracts, so you can get your ideas up and running fast. Leverage our platform to bring your cool NFT app idea to life and we will fund you.

Looking for DApp ideas? Check out our best use cases for DApps article.

2. Integrating existing DApps

High gas fees, lack of free parachains or struggling with complicated smart contracts? It’s hard to make a success of your DApp on traditional platforms. With our migration grant, you can give your DApp a new lease of life on the newest generation of DApp platforms, while also keeping your current DApp in situ.

We also have an extra category specifically for NFT creators:

Funding for digital art

NFT art is not just cool, it’s also a gateway to reliable royalties and authentic ownership. We want to support artists taking a leap into the decentralised space and get them safely launched into the Metaverse. If you have a creation the world needs to see, apply to our grant and get the funding and tech support you need to become an NFT superstar. More info coming soon!

How to get started?

Simple: Head to our website and fill out the application form.

Our team will get back to all successful applicants to discuss the next steps.

Good luck!!

To stay up-to-date on the progress of our technology, follow us on Twitter, Telegram, LinkedIn, Discord and Instagram.

