CENNZnet AMA January 2021

Saber Xie
Published in
23 min readJan 14, 2021

Translations of this article can be found here:

With the completion of our token return process, our community was curious to know what the plans are going forward. We collated questions from the community and hosted the AMA with our CEO Aaron McDonald and GM Nicole Upchurch in the Official Centrality Telegram Channel. Here is the summary of the AMA.

Firstly before we get into any questions I would like to clarify a few things. It seems some of the community don’t really understand how blockchains work. This leads them to believe we can control what happens in the open market. Which is totally untrue.

Blockchains are decentralised, anyone can integrate, list, build trade without our permission. We have no control over who integrates their exchange, when they integrate, who lists the token who trades the token etc etc.

When you ask “why did [insert name] exchange do this or that” it’s a silly question to ask us because we are not the exchange — they can integrate and do what they like when they want.

Without decentralisation and the permissionless nature of blockchains they are useless. So please understand we are not in control of every action that the community takes.

We never were, we are part of the community. CENNZnet is not a company, we are not the managers of CENNZnet. We are part of the community.

Our team works hard every day to deliver our vision for CENNZnet. Not everything goes to plan, many things are outside our control, and sometimes even because we are humans we make mistakes. This doesn’t mean there is some big conspiracy or secret plan going on.

We can tell from the questions below that a few people who maybe have misunderstood how blockchains work have started rumours and FUD and this has caused more anger in the channels. Please be careful about what people say, some of them are misinformed or ignorant, and some of them deliberately want to create uncertainty or fear for their own advantage.

We continue to believe in our vision to provide the best place for decentralised consumer applications to be built, that making crypto more useable will bring more users and more users will bring more developers and create more value.

We are at the really exciting part of our journey now. Up until this point CENNZ did not have its full utility. Now it does, CENNZnet is truly alive and all the work we have been doing on technology and partnerships can really start to create genuine value on CENNZnet.

We really appreciate the support in getting to this point. But it’s critical that in 2021 we maintain that support and grow it together. Our combined efforts are what will create the outcomes we all want. Now is when the real action starts.


How do you plan to land the CENNZ swap in the future? Are you serious about dealing with the fact that there are now two CENNZ? Do you leave it to the market?

As we have always said, blockchains are permissionless. It’s the whole point of blockchains. Please learn the basics about how blockchain works. We have lots of content on our Medium which explains these basic principles. We are serious about blockchains which is why we have never had control of your keys and can never force you to do anything with your tokens.

People are free to keep their ERC20 token on ETH if they want to. We can’t force them to do anything, it’s literally the whole point of a blockchain. Your keys, your crypto.

Keep in mind that many many projects who moved from ETH to mainnet still have ERC20 tokens floating around. This is not unusual.

However, exchanges will migrate to support the new CENNZnet mainnet and drop trading for the ERC20 version over time.

Again this is up to each exchange we don’t control their activity and have no power to force them to do anything. Blockchains are permissionless.

The good news is all our current exchanges have completed integration and testing of their swap process now. We expect more new exchanges to integrate now that the mainnet is live.

Why didn’t we tell people to swap on MXC to make it easier?

As we have always said, the only process we could guarantee is the direct, decentralised, blockchain-based swap process.

We have no control over when (or if) an exchange would integrate or support an exchange-based swap. As you can see it has taken some time for exchanges to go through this process. It’s not an easy one and we are excited that they have decided to put the effort into integration and hosting CENNZnet nodes.

As I mentioned above, each exchange will manage their own communications process. We don’t control their actions.

Initially, it was said that CPAY could be sold on CENNZX, but why is it listed on MXC? And why can’t we deposit on MXC or do anything?

As we have said CPAY has been on CENNZX from the start of the transition period. The CENNZX API has been live since the launch of CENNZnet.

Anyone could interact with the API to trade their CPAY for CENNZ. In fact there is a pool already on the network via the API.

What’s really important to understand is that our team builds the blockchain core function and the community build the APPs and the UI. An example of this is the CENNZX UI, which has been built by the dev community and will launch shortly. When the community builds on CENNZnet then the true value starts to be created.

Also, as we have explained numerous times, but for some reason some people in the community like to FUD as they don’t understand the basics of blockchains, any exchange can integrate and list any token without any permission from us that’s the WHOLE POINT OF BLOCKCHAIN.

The fact that an exchange is excited about CPAY and wants to list CPAY is very exciting, what should we do? Stop them listing? That’s extremely naive thinking.

CPAY is the block reward from staking. If more exchanges list CPAY then CENNZ holders will have more liquidity to sell the YIELD from their CENNZ block rewards. CPAY listing on MXC is very bullish and it’s disappointing to see that some people in the community are creating negativity about it.

But to be very, very clear once again, blockchains are permissionless, exchanges can integrate and list any network and any token they want whenever they want. Please learn the basics before asking such questions.

Why is there transactions when I couldn’t send CPAY to MXC? It is strange for the person who runs Centrality to sell CPAY in advance

The simple answer is that exchanges and market makers are trading their own CPAY. We aren’t selling CPAY to anyone, and exchanges need to create liquidity in order for the value of CPAY and CENNZ to grow.

We have not sold any of our own CPAY, we use our CPAY to stimulate on chain activity, to Stake our CENNZ and to fund the development of DApps.

Again this question is total ignorance about how exchanges work. As we have mentioned before the exchanges set the rules about deposits and withdrawals — it has nothing to do with us. These decisions are out of our control.

It’s really silly to think that CPAY will have value without liquidity, and the fact that an exchange wants to create a market and liquidity is exciting and bullish.

If no exchanges wanted CPAY then the block rewards for CENNZ holders wouldn’t be worth very much. But if exchanges list and make markets and create liquidity then there is a lot of value for holders.

Centrality management sent CENNZ to an exchange where CENNZ could not be deposited, sold CENNZ, and then lowered the price. This is dishonest.

Firstly, Centrality is a public chain community project. We are not the “management” and CENNZnet is not a company. Centrality itself doesn’t hold the most tokens in the market the community has the most power over the price.

Actually, when the price of CENNZ goes down we are the largest buyer of CENNZ, we love to collect more cheap tokens ;)

There are a range of different independent market makers and professional traders who have their own CENNZ and make their own decisions about how they make profit. Please be careful about FUD which causes some people to sell their tokens cheaply to these professionals.

Lastly, we are not and never have been dishonest, our team works hard every day to make CENNZ a success and we all want CENNZ to grow in value.

Do you have any plans to have more exchanges swap other than MXC?

Also, do you have any plans to list on any major exchanges in the future?

MXC is just the first exchange that finalised the swap. Further exchanges including Bithumb, ZB.com, HitBTC have integrated already and are testing their own swap process.

We are talking to other major exchanges. Now that the mainnet is live and CENNZ is native the door is open to a larger group of exchanges who like to see a mainnet and native token before the list. I’m sure you can appreciate that confidentiality is a major part of the negotiation process.

What do you plan to do with CENNZ in SingularX?

As we have said many times before SingularX is a DEX it’s a decentralised exchange we have no control over the CENNZ in SingularX. Each person holds their own private key, we can’t force them to do anything.

However I would encourage anyone with CENNZ on SingularX to withdraw and work with an exchange who has announced a Swap process. Now that CENNZX is live we will be withdrawing support for maintaining the SingularX UI ( the smart contract will remain so your coins are still accessible after).

Why is ERC20 CENNZ still there after the swap?

Also, why is the price of ERC20 CENNZ the same as the new CENNZ?

I see CENNZ are listed on MXC and ZB. Why are we deepening our relationship with China now? Japanese people are very tense about the relationship with China. We have been betrayed too many times.

As we have explained lots and lots of times Blockchains are permissionless we don’t control the activities of exchanges, each one has their own process and their own decisions.

The price in the market is the price the market is prepared to pay, we don’t control this. However we do expect the exchanges to delist the ERC20 markets once they have completed their integration and Swap process.

We have always had a focus on working with the Chinese markets. China is both huge and supportive of blockchain technology, we are very happy to be working with these partners.

However it is not our only focus and we will see other markets and exchanges list now that our mainnet is live. Many exchanges have this as a requirement in their listing process and now that CENNZ is native we have more opportunities for listing.

What is important is that exchanges check our community when they go through the listing process. If the community is negative or calls the team dishonest, or a scam it will hurt the chance to list so please be mindful of this.


Are you doing the same thing like Ripple?

I’m not sure exactly what this means but CENNZ and Centrality are not regulated in the U.S and so we are not regulated by the SEC so what is happening to Ripple with the SEC can’t be applied to CENNZ.

Japan’s FSA has also added the positioning of crypto assets to its global strategy. The Digital Agency has also started to take it seriously. What will happen to Centrality then?

We have always been a fan of good regulation for crypto and have been working with regulators in different jurisdictions to encourage this.

Please keep in mind though Centrality is not a Japanese regulated entity so the FSA has no jurisdiction over Centrality.

CENNZ is a decentralised token and has no legal entity that can control it now it is on the mainnet.

Japan has always had a good forward looking regulatory environment and we hope the FSA continues this trend.

Cryptocurrency assets are booming now. But the price of CENNZ is very low. That is because the management response is dishonest and unclear. Is there any secret plan to raise the price of CENNZ from now on?

Actually, it’s a very mixed bag. BTC, ETH and DeFi projects are getting a lot of price action, but the majority of the ALT market is soft. This is a typical market reaction.

Usually, ALT markets boom after the heat goes out of the major assets.

But I do agree that CENNZ (relative to its progress and network activity) is undervalued at the moment. Some people are strategically accumulating you can see the number of CENNZ held by large holders is increasing, so if you are selling then that will give them a lower price and a bargain.

Apart from that, what actually creates value in a token is the community — building, sharing, recruiting, selling, sponsoring. Most of this hasn’t been possible until now because CENNZ has been on the ETH network. Now that CENNZ is on the mainnet all of this activity can begin. This is what will create action in price.

Again two things. Firstly, CENNZnet is not a company and we are not ‘management’, we are part of the community. Do you think BTC became valuable because ‘the management’ team for bitcoin did something, or the CEO of ETH did something? No that’s silly, they built value over 10 years of hard community efforts with many major ups and major downs.

Our response has been absolutely clear we have our plan, our roadmap and our goals, we strongly believe these will deliver value to the network and the token. There is no secret plan, the plan is an open one. It’s simple:

· Create great technology that makes blockchains usable

· Allow developers to build great APPs (like SYLO) that attract lots of users

· When there are lots of users there will be lots of demand for CENNZ and CPAY.

· That has always been our plan and it continues to be so.

BUT… of course yes, there are new partnerships and deals and projects that we know are coming in 2021, but we can’t share them with you all immediately.

The funny thing is that this is the most exciting time for CENNZ. 2021 is the year when it can be used for its intended purpose, it’s the year the community should be showing the world how proud they are so that when a new member joins the community they receive positive messages about it and feel confident to help the community grow.

Please explain what you want to do with Centrality and CPAY in a way that a layman can understand.

CPAY is the network GAS token it pays for transactions on the network and it’s the block reward token for Staking CENNZ. We have plenty of information about this on our Medium page. Please take the time to read these articles to improve your knowledge of the network:



CPAY is now listed. The price is not as expected and is low. Investors are looking for return on their investment, and the tech development of the CENNZ network is the next story.

How do you plan to stabilize the value of CPAY in the future?

Firstly, CPAY only just listed on one exchange and its only been 2 weeks since CPAY became a native asset. Don’t expect miracles instantly. The price of CPAY will be determined by the market ultimately. However, CPAY is designed to ensure that price stability is achieved in line with network growth.

CPAY can remain at a stable fiat value using some quite simple supply and demand economics.

· When there is more network activity (demand) more GAS is used and more CPAY minted (supply).

· Where there is less network activity (demand) less GAS is used and less CPAY is minted (supply)

Because the supply and demand are matched, the price over time will be stable. This is true for any product in the market, for example:

If each time someone wanted to buy rice more rice was available the price of rice would stay the same.

If people wanted less rice and the production of rice was still high then people would dump rice and the price would go down.

But if the amount of rice produced dropped to match lower demand then the price would stay the same.

Now it will take some time for stability to be achieved (like any new market it’s likely to be volatile) but as liquidity builds it will stabilise.

This system benefits both stakers and users:

· Stakers: when network demand is high then more CPAY is minted which means higher CPAY block rewards per CENNZ staked. I.e higher yield per CENNZ.

· Users: the price per CPAY should stay stable even if there is higher demand.

So we can have the best of both worlds. Low fees and higher yield per CENNZ.

The investor who did the swap invested a high amount of money in Centrality. However, some investors have entered the market at a lower price due to the fact that they can now exchange at MXC.

We don’t control the market price or the timing or action of the exchanges.

This is no different to any other token. There will always be speculators who are looking at tokens with potential and will hedge their bets by picking up cheap tokens.

Always be wary of FUD — there are people out there who will use it as a tool to pick up cheap tokens.

In 2020, the crypto asset industry was also unstable due to COVID, but even in the same environment there are coins that go up and coins that go down, and CENNZ was a coin that went down. What is the difference between them?

We feel like 2021 is really a big shift for us in opportunity. CENNZ is live now on the mainnet, it’s a big difference. Tokens who grew in value in 2020 grew because they had real utility and growing fundamentals. This was impossible to show when CENNZ was on the ETH network. Now that it’s live on the mainnet we can work together to really show what CENNZnet can do.


I thought you said that staking would be ready by Christmas, but is it still not ready?

We intended to launch Staking by Christmas and the network itself is capable of supporting staking, however, our team needed a break. They work hard and we didn’t want to launch staking when they would be on their Christmas holidays, as there would be low support for the community in such an important moment.

Some staking partners have already completed the first part of the integration and testing so we are looking forward to the Staking launch soon.

The price of CPAY made me think that I don’t have to stake CENNZ to get CPAY.

What are the advantages of Staking?

As with any token you need to make your mind up about buying and trading vs staking or mining. But we do believe that it’s still early days for the CPAY price.

The articles on our Medium pages have all the information you need to weigh up the benefit of Staking. They are written and reviewed by our talented team, so you can trust the content:



CPAY is the result of CENNZ staking. Is this the reason why you went public this time so that, we, the holders, can sell CPAY there?

CPAY is the block reward token that people who have staked their CENNZ will receive. But it’s only a useful reward if you have the ability to trade it on exchanges. Listing with MXC and other exchanges will allow CENNZ holders to realise their reward.

As we have said we don’t control the listing process or terms.

How much CPAY will I get for 10000 CENNZ staked?

This will depend on the activity in the network, because CPAY rewards are proportional to network activity, more activity = more CPAY.

We will work with the community to put some calculators out. That will help determine yields.


Centrality is a NZ project, but the holders seem to be mostly from Asian region.

Why are there so few participants from the Oceania region? Is Centrality not well known in NZ?

Centrality is the biggest blockchain project in NZ and we are well known to government and large corporates, who are partnering with on a number of projects, including identity, supply chain, finance, tourism and digital assets.

We can’t tell who and where our holders are from that’s the point of blockchain technology but keep in mind NZ is a small country with 30x less people than Japan for example.

NZ is in the Asia Pacific region so we feel like it’s one big family.


What are the assets held by the Centrality operation used for?

They have been used primary to develop the technology, but also for developing marketing, bounty programmes and developer ecosystem outreach partnership development and general operations, as per the Whitepaper. It takes a lot of $ to make a mainnet project.

Does anyone in the board have an MBA or other business administration title?

Ordinarily I declare KPI at the start of the year in my business such as sales amount, number of customers, profit etc. What do you think about the Centrality’s KPI of 2021? Please tell me your quarterly KPIs if you have any.

CENNZ and CENNZNet is a community project we have part of the role in making CENNZ and Centrality a success. CENNZnet is not a company there is no Board of CENNZnet. There is no blockchain syllabus in most MBA programmes so I’m not sure that those old world corporate structures apply in this new world. There is no “board of Bitcoin”

Centrality existed before CENNZnet and had a large and growing business already prior to this, as per our Whitepaper.

We have several MBAs in our team but that in itself doesn’t mean anything, most of the world’s most successful companies, and almost all the most successful blockchain projects have zero MBAs in their founding teams.

We are happy to share our targets for this year for CENNZnet these will be based around decentralised concepts like the number of DApps or the number of transactions on the network or the Yield of CPAYs.


When will I see the first Dapps running on CENNZnet?

The Azalea network launched in June and we successfully upgraded more than 300,000 Sylo users to the new network. Sylo is the biggest success story on CENNZnet right now. They have a huge number of continued users, more than 10x the nearest DApp and more than 5x the downloads of their nearest competition in blockchain messaging.

We also have a large ecosystem of ventures who have blockchain on their roadmap. Now that the mainnet is live, one of our key objectives in Q1 will be supporting a number of them to integrate CENNZnet into their tech.

Our focus for 2021 is to get significantly more quality DApps building on our network. More DApps will mean more transactions, which will create more block rewards for people who stake, ultimately increasing the value of the CENNZ token.

Will Bond and Sylo be migrated to CENNZnet?

Sylo migrated 300k+ users to CENNZnet in June 2020. The have recently launched Sylo Protocol Version 2 which has significantly improve the performance to bring it in line with other major consumer apps. We predict that it will outperform other decentralised applications currently available in-market.

SYLO is working with us to migrate SYLO to the mainnet and to introduce some cool new features using CENNZnet and CPAY.

BarnBridge is an exciting venture, however, they are currently running on the Ethereum network. We would like to see something similar (and perhaps better) built on CENNZnet. We’re currently exploring the opportunity to provide a grant or bounty for the dev community to build these kinds of DApps on CENNZnet. We’re in the planning stage for this, but expect to see more in Q2 2021.

Will CENNZnet be used for Verifone payments and will Centrapay be consumed for Verifone payments?

Centrapay creates the connections to these network and now that we have established those connections to CENNZnet developers who create products on CENNZnet have the option of integrating their product to the Verifone network. Any time the CENNZNet is used to transact these products it will consume CPAY.

We hope to show an exciting new integration with Centrapay shortly.

CENNZnet vision has been to make it easier for DApp developers to build DApps that people can use in their everyday life.

Our job is to build that network and those ecosystem components.

To make the vision a reality one of the important things we need to make it easy is to enable payments and digital token experiences to connect to real world retailers.

Centrapay integrations with major networks like Coca-Cola Amital and Verifone make that connection to real world retailers a reality for developers:

The easier we make it, the more developers we have building on CENNZnet and the more users they can attract the more useful CPAY and CENNZ tokens will be.

Does CENNZX mainly function as an exchange? When will it be released?

CENNX is live now and available via API. This exchange works behind the scenes to enable transaction liquidity for the CENNZnet network.

The community is already building a UI similar to UNIswap which we have seen and will launch soon.


I believe that Centrality have lost the trust of the community due to the prolonged Swap period, what is your opinion?

We agree it’s been a bit of a process, please keep in mind that we don’t have full control of this process as we have to deal with many third parties to make it happen (such as exchanges).

It’s a very big technical milestone and we wanted it to be done safely. It’s really huge that we achieved it though.

Taking CENNZ through the token swap first allowed us to test our process for bringing tokens onto our network and smooth out the bumps. If you look at the bigger picture you will see that we are now able to transition any token onto our network — which will be important this year as more and more established projects will be looking for the unique functionality that CENNZnet can provide. And knowing that they can move their token without issue is a major selling point.

Our community has weathered this process and we deeply appreciate your patience.

There are a lot of big fans of CENNZ in Japan, and all of them have been active on Twitter. However, I don’t see many CENNZ fans outside of Japan.

The preferred social platform is always going to differ between countries and audience segments — our Chinese audience use WeChat, our developer audience prefer Slack and alternative forums, like Reddit. We use Twitter as our primary marketing channel, but we also share messages on a range of other platforms.

2020 saw us launch aggressive marketing campaigns in both China and Korea, as well as a global digital campaign. The goal of these campaigns was to widen the brand awareness of CENNZnet to new investors, and they resulted in increases in the token price and daily trading volume.

Our key focus for 2021 is going to be increasing the number of quality Dapps building on CENNZnet — both from our partner network and from new developers who want to leverage the technology we have been building. It will mean more hackathons, virtual developer conferences, webinars and meetups — if you are not a developer you might not see this marketing.

The community is sincere to the centrality, but Centrality is dishonest to the community. It is clear that the community will leave as it is. In fact, dissatisfaction is rife in the Japanese community. Are you thinking of ways to change this situation?

We greatly appreciate our community and I can understand that if you see price action in the wrong direction it’s easy to try and find a reason to blame us. But this is a lie.

We have also seen an increase in active FUD over the last few months and this FUD has been accompanied by active buying at lower prices by some members. Please don’t believe everything you hear from those in the community.

We are never dishonest. We work hard every day to help this project succeed. If you don’t believe in it or us I will be sad to see you go, however, our plan is the same as it’s always been. We feel positive for 2021, and now that CENNZ can be used in its native environment we will be able to push harder for our goals.

You have to remember we are a part of the community, but the community is not 100% us. CENNZ will not be successful if only we take a part in its growth. If you want to change the situation get active, get involved use the network, stake your CENNZ when it becomes available, run a node in the network, invite new members and explain the benefits of the projects, ask developers for new features that will make the applications more successful, download and use the applications that people build on CENNZnet. All these things signal to the market that the project is healthy and valuable.

The project is now in a totally different phase. The mainnet is live and the CENNZ token is in the environment where it can be used for its intended purpose. This is the most exciting time for the project because everything in our vision for CENNZ can now really start to happen in the real network. The way to change the game is not by sitting back and being dissatisfied, no blockchain project will be successful unless the community is an active part of its success.

The price of CENNZ is not rising very fast. It is often said that the price is determined by the market, but I believe that if more people want CENNZ, the price will naturally rise. I think we need to appeal to people so that they will want to buy CENNZ. Are you successful in this appeal?

In 2021 We’re focussing our energy on the developer community and I will tell you why — my team wants to significantly increase the number of quality DApps building on CENNZnet:

More quality DAPPS = more transactions

More transactions = more block rewards

More block rewards = more value for CENNZ

More value for CENNZ = more investor interest

If we fulfil our goal of increasing the number of quality DApps on CENNZnet then the investors will naturally seek us out.

We now have the technology in place and we’re ready to aggressively go after people who want to build on our network. We have some scary targets to meet this year, but the team is fired up to make this happen.

I expect that there are various projects and partnerships in the works, including Sylo, Jasmy and Centrality ventures. However, none of them are using CENNZnet transactions. This will not lead to increased value for CENNZ, no matter how many related projects move forward. You have indicated your vision of promoting DApps, but do you have any strengths to appeal to developers for CENNZnet, which currently has no presence in the market?

This is untrue , SYLO for example is already using CENNZnet and a number of other projects are now building on CENNZnet since the launch and swap process is completed. Jasmy has always been a part of the PLUG network community and has always planned to launch their own PLUG based Blockchain which could integrate with CENNZnet.

We’ve recently taken on a new team of developers who’s role is to liaise with the developer community and encourage them to join our network.

We also have a very full tactical activity plan for 2021 that is dedicated to the developer community that we attractive new developers and includes working with our currently developer community of around 1000 people. This activity includes workshops, learning content, bounties, grants, hackathons and incentives.

The plan also includes supporting our current ventures to get them up and running on CENNZnet, now that it’s officially ready for them to build on. While they are still start ups, up to now these ventures have been establishing their business and customer base, so they will be able to hit the ground running once they join CENNZnet.

Can the Centrality management please the old holders in 2021?

The old supporters are tired of the rough and tumble of the Centrality community.

It is easy to get caught up in the FUD that appears on community channels, but we are on track with our roadmap and the team have done a wonderful job.

Our plan to attract more projects to build on CENNZnet this year is our core focus, so that those people who choose to stake their CENNZ get CPAY as a reward.

You declared that you would be in the top 20 in the CMC by the end of 2020, but it didn’t achieve this goal. What are the reasons for this and what are your future plans?

We’re always ambitious with our goals, as any business should be. There have been a number of factors that have impacted businesses during 2020, and we are proud of the fact that our have been able to deliver a strong and stable network.

We will continue to strive towards the goal of top 20 CMC.


Polkadot has been so successful that it is ranked 7th in the CMC. What do you thin? Is it because of Plug’s lack of success yet and what can you do to change it?

Plug and Polkadot are very different businesses. Plug is designed for people to be able to build blockchains, and in that sense it is developing very well, with some very exciting businesses leveraging the Plug framework for their architecture.

Now that we have completed the successful launch of a mainnet using the PLUG technology. We will have a big relaunch for PLUG in the next ¼ based on our updated technology and go to market plan which is very exciting and creates a totally unique use case compared to Polkadot network.

We will create an AMA for Plug in the near future to talk about the progress for Plug.

CENNZ’s partnership and relationship has been widely reported, but is it because we are in Japan that we cannot see the actual social demand? Is it because we are in Japan, or is it because we are under pressure from our partners?

We have a huge ecosystem of partners and we are working with companies every day to grow our value with them. We make announcements with them with once there is something to share. We do not over hype our partnership, so when we say something you know that it is real.

To stay up-to-date on the progress of our technology, follow us on Twitter, Telegram, LinkedIn, and Instagram.



Saber Xie
Writer for

Full-time Marketing enthusiast, Part-time Muso.