Centrality monthly update -September 2020

Aaron McDonald
Published in
3 min readOct 13, 2020

CEO Aaron McDonald shares key developments over the past month. To stay up-to-date on the progress of Centrality’s ecosystem, follow us on Twitter and our Telegram Announcements channel, plus join our community on Centrality’s Official Telegram, Instagram and Facebook.

We are back in your inbox again with an update from the Centrality ventures. This month we have exciting news from CENNZnet, Pl^g, CentraPass and Carbon Click.


We are getting to the sharp end of our token swap and we already have over 750 million tokens. Thank you to everyone who has taken part so far. Our team are excitedly preparing to mint the new CENNZnet CENNZ tokens and you will receive the real deal straight to your CENNZnet wallet.

The swap finishes on the 16th of October, so please get swapping if you haven’t already. You can learn more about the exact depositing process you need to complete here, and if you need any help and support please email us at support@centrality.ai


Meanwhile at PL^G: the team are in the process of making Pl^g 2.0, which will be compatible with Substrate 2.0 and will feature all the Plug modules. This includes doughnut, generic_asset, attestation, consortium_permission and validator_manager.

Pl^g 2.0 will offer a more secure and stable network in addition to better fee management which will lead to more precise fees.


The CentraPass team are still buzzing from their first ever workshop and launch event for the Trust Aotearoa Identity Consortium. Embracing the age of the online meetup, the event had over 50 attendees with from government, Enterprise and some of NZ’s most innovative start-ups.

The next step will be a workshop focused on establishing a legal entity including governance. Want to know more? Get in touch with Andy Higgs (andy@centrality.ai) for questions and more information.


It’s certainly been a big month for CarbonClick. The successful completion of their $1.8m seed investment round which was oversubscribed this was followed by the launch of the world’s easiest Carbon Footprint calculator! This smart tool gives users an accurate snapshot of their impact on the planet in just 60 seconds and it’s super easy to use. You can check it out on the Carbon Click website here: https://my.carbon.click/calculator

The team also continues to grow with Superstar COO Michelle Noordermeer joining the Carbon Click leadership team — welcome!

And finally for the wine lovers out there, Constellation Brands ultra-sustainable wine “Round Theory” hits the shelves this month complete with the CC logo on the side of the bottle. Enjoy your drink knowing that the planet is too.

To stay up-to-date on the progress of Centrality’s ecosystem, follow us on Twitter and our Telegram Announcements channel, plus join our community on Centrality’s Official Telegram, Instagram, Reddit and Facebook .



Aaron McDonald

Co-founder and CEO of blockchain venture studio Centrality