Centrality November Update

Aaron McDonald
Published in
6 min readDec 1, 2019

CEO Aaron McDonald shares key developments over the past month. To stay up-to-date on the progress of Centrality’s ecosystem, follow us on Twitter and our Telegram Announcements channel, plus join our community on Centrality’s Official Telegram, Instagram, Reddit and Facebook.

The Centrality reward program has now had 559Million CENNZ staked and 6.3Million CPAY earned to date. We have seen an awesome response to the reward program and we are excited for the possibilities for the CPAY token. Click here for more information about the reward program and to see whether you qualify for the referral option.

Our Bounty Program launched on 13 September and got an incredible response from the developer community. We’ve collaborated with some talented and skilled developers from around the world and resolved all issues within 2 weeks! Given the appetite, we now have a new group of challenges for the community. Four new tasks are now up on Gitcoin.

Finally, this month we attended the Singapore Fintech Festival alongside Centrality Fintech, Centrapay, Sylo and PLUG for the second year in a row. It was great to follow up with the connections we made in 2019 and continue building our profile in the Singapore market. Check out the complete blog here.

Here’s what our ecosystem have been up to this November:


1. We are continuing network stability testing for the PLUG 1.0 release candidate

2. Implementation of a new, simplified plug API client (https://github.com/plugblockchain/plug-api-types)

3. Migration of CENNZnet to build on Plug 1.0 is in progress


CarbonClick launched its Shopify Plugin and is now in the process of refinements to support international merchants. This means any Shopify site holder can add the CarbonClick “green button” to their checkout process to enable customers to offset the carbon from each purchase.

The enterprise solution we’ve created caters to businesses that wants custom integration for carbon offsetting. The first clients to sign up to our enterprise grade platform include Mighty Ape who ship 1 million shipments annually, and AA SmartFuel. This is a huge opportunity as the AA expect to generate 260,000 Tonnes per year of offsets if only a 5% of their customers opt in, making it easily the largest voluntary offset program in NZ.

To support the announcement of our Shopify Plugin and Enterprise Solution we hosted a launch event at the Centrality offices in Auckland. We shared our plans for the future and raised the profile of CarbonClick by demonstrating how easy it is to make a difference to climate change. The event was well attended and thank you to everyone who came by!

Off the back of the launch and we featured in several local titles — check out the links below for all the CarbonClick news this month!





In exciting people news, our CEO Dave Rouse had the opportunity to meet with HH Prince Charles on his recent visit to New Zealand this month to discuss climate change and the environmental work that’s happening in NZ. We’ve also had a couple of nominations: our CIO/CTO Paul Brady has been nominated for the NZ CIO Awards and CPO Jan Czaplicky is being nominated for the Michael Page Innovator of the Year 2019 award! We’ll share the (fingers crossed) good news when we hear the results!

To stay up to date or contribute to a better future follow us on twitter here or carbon offset here.


IOMOB are honored to be recognised as one of the top 100 smart city partners named by Newsweek.

Over half of the world’s population lives in a city or urban area. This number will exceed 68% by 2050, according to UN estimates. For the first time, with the adoption of new technologies, our cities are becoming unspeakably “smart.” We’re seeing the upswing of momentum; of technology, mobility, and design.

We’ve been recognised as an organisation who is proactively acting and have initiated a project to enact real change globally. The top 100 partners span from integrating sustainable infrastructure, taking savvy approaches to micromobility (us), or using big data analytics to inform legislative policy for the betterment of all. Each partner is doing something bold and unique that is leading us into the land unknown.

Another app in development powered by IOMOB, named Arrive, consolidates all transport options, allowing you to check bus times, see how much driving your own car might cost, or if a scooter is just around the corner. Arrive was one of 10 ideas pitched to decision makers as part of Lightening Lab GovTech in Wellington earlier this month. The app garnered a lot of attention from local government and looks to be a promising pilot for MaaS in New Zealand. Check out the full article here.

Accelerator Teams


Āhau were proud to complete a three-month Govtech accelerator programme supported by the Department of Internal Affairs to undertake a design experiment on Māori Digital Identity. You can view Kaye Marees demo day pitch here.

Kaye Maree was also invited to attend and speak at the SWITCH FX Fin Tech Expo in Singapore to provide an indigenous perspective on Financial Inclusion and the Unbanked. Whilst there Āhau are strengthening relationships and collaboration opportunities into South East Asia especially further research into self-sovereign identity and digital banking.

Developments continue in developing our traditional knowledge cultural archive tool, working collaboratively with our Iwi, Marae and Maori organisation partners. A co design hui is planned for 9th of December in Tauranga Moana.


100 stellar start-ups from around the world, 1500 investors and a 100 storey building with an elevator. That’s EPIC.

Each year EPiC is held in Hong Kong. Each participant delivers their companies pitch in a 60 second elevator ride.

Yabble was one of only five companies from New Zealand who were selected to attend. Already profitable and trading successfully across ANZ, Yabble is undertaking their first capital raise to super charge growth, EPIC was a great platform to showcase the business to Asian investors. Kathyrn, CEO and Founder said “It was a phenomenal experience, you always have an elevator pitch ready but this was definitely a unique way to share it”.

To stay up-to-date on the progress of Centrality’s ecosystem, follow us on Twitter and our Telegram Announcements channel, plus join our community on Centrality’s Official Telegram, Instagram, Reddit and Facebook.



Aaron McDonald

Co-founder and CEO of blockchain venture studio Centrality