Join the CENNZnet Gitcoin Hackathon

Cathy Breed
Published in
4 min readSep 8, 2021

Got an app idea up your sleeve that you’re just dying to try? Always loved blockchain but aren’t too sure how to get started with it? We have the opportunity for you!

Join us at CENNZnet for our 3-week hackathon in partnership with Gitcoin. Starting on September 8th and finishing on September 29th, you will get the chance to dive deep into the world of decentralised apps (DApps), improve your skills and attend our exclusive workshops to help you on your way.

What’s the challenge?

There are not 1 but 3 opportunities to get your innovative developer or artistic chops on:

1.CENNZnet NFT DApp Competition: This is an open-ended challenge for you to develop a DApp that uses the NFT module. You can solve a real-world problem, add NFT to your game, or implement a crazy idea. We are looking for projects that can grow into successful businesses. For this challenge, please deploy it to the CENNZnet TestNet. You can issue yourself tokens to use on the TestNet using the faucet. Find out more details here.

2. CENNZnet Browser Extension Bounty: We would like to expand the functionalities of the Browser Extension so that it can serve as a complete wallet. This means we’d like to add 2 functionalities:

  • Display the balance of the accounts in the extension. Display both currencies used in CENNZnet, CENNZ and CPAY
  • Allow basic transfers from one account in the extension to any other account. Display a success/failure message.

Find out more details here.

3. Generative Art Bounty: With the sudden boom in digital art being sold as NFTs, the demand for programmatically generated art is increasing faster than ever before. Make your mark in the future of generative art and set the standard for generative art on the CENNZnet blockchain. Find out more details here.

What can I win?

Each of our challenges comes with its own generous prize. All prize money is paid in DAI and awarded based on the judging criteria listed in the bounty challenge details.

Challenge 1: Building DApps

  • The winner will receive $5000 in DAI
  • Runner up gets $2000 in DAI
  • Up to 5 submissions that showed good effort get $300 in DAI

Exciting entries for this challenge will also have the opportunity to be considered for our grant programme. This comes with a funding pool of NZ$500,000 along with the support to develop your DApp into a successful business.

Learn more about our grants program here.

Challenge 2: Browser extension functionality

  • The winner will receive $2000 in DAI
  • Up to 5 valid entries will receive 300 DAI

Challenge 3: Generative NFT art

  • Each valid entry will receive 200–500 DAI depending on originality, complexity, and the quality of the art.
  • The rest of the prize pool will be somehow split between the top 1–3 submissions.

The best artists from this challenge may also be invited to publish their artwork as an NFT on the Litho NFT marketplace launching next month. Our team will support artists with the minting process, cover any associated fees and potentially promote the minted art to our audience of 30,000+ followers.

What if I’ve never built a DApp before?

If you’ve got a killer idea and a good set of brains, we can help you with the rest. Our team will be presenting and hosting at two key events throughout the Hackathon to help get you up to speed on what you need to do and how.

  • GR11 Hackathon Kickoff Party: September 9th 2021 at 12 PM EST. An opportunity for all hackathon sponsors to introduce themselves and give an overview of challenges and prizes. Our CEO will be presenting CENNZnet’s challenges in more detail. Save the date here:
  • CENNZnet 101 workshop: Date TBD. Get up to speed on exactly what CENNZnet is, how the system works, and what you need to know to get started. You’ll learn about our NFT module and other core modules you can use to build a DApp without ever needing to touch a smart contract. We’ll then discuss the blockchain use cases and open the floor to your questions.

Our extra supportive team and community are also around to respond to your questions and queries promptly on our Discord channel:

We also have a well-stocked knowledge hub and wiki which provide both specific technical detail and a more general overview of the decentralised world.

How can you get started?

All of our hackathons are hosted on the Gitcoin platform so you will need a Gitcoin account to get started.

You can set up a Gitcoin account following these instructions here.

Once you’re up and running on Gitcoin, simply chose your bounty here:

Then click the Start Work button.

Join our Discord channel if you have any questions, or just want to say hi to the community!

Happy creating!

To stay up-to-date on the progress of our technology, follow us on Twitter, Telegram, LinkedIn, Discord and Instagram.

