Meet Pocketful

Araina Pereira
Published in
2 min readJan 24, 2019

An easy way for groups to save, spend and manage money

Marketing Exec Araina Pereira of the Centrality Accelerator powered by Lightning Lab shares more about the current cohort. To track the progress of the accelerator programme, follow Centrality on Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram and join our community on Centrality’s Official Telegram.

Pocketful is founded by Steve Adams. Here’s what he had to say about their journey so far:

What is the problem you are wanting to solve?

We’re building the easy way for groups to manage money. The first problem we’re solving is flat management: keeping track of flat expenses and sharing bills is about to get whole lot easier.

What is your business planning to achieve by the Accelerator Demo Day?

We’re about to start building our prototype, and we already have a bunch of flats signed up as our first customers.

Why have you chosen blockchain for your solution?

We’re using SingleSource identity platform to sign users on to Pocketful: it’s a decentralised ID solution built on the blockchain. Decentralised ID means your identity is retained by you, not the app, so it’s way more secure.

We’re also using Sylo, the decentralised messaging platform. With Sylo, we’ll be able to offer peer to peer encrypted messages, so our users can be assured their messages won’t be seen by third parties and sold to the highest bidder, as we’re seeing with Facebook.

Both SingleSource and Sylo are Kiwi blockchain companies, so it’s pretty exciting to be working with a couple of NZ world leaders!

Why did you want to be apart of the Centrality Accelerator?

Centrality is the world’s leading blockchain venture studio and Lightning Lab is the best in the go-to-market business. Put them both together, and it was a no brainer! There’s really no better place to be validating and launching a decentralised app idea.

What has been your greatest learning so far on your journey?

The best thing so far has been the focus on the customer, really diving deep into the problems flatmates run into with money management. If you’re trying to get an idea off the ground, it’s a great discipline to stay 100% focused on the customer before racing off to implement a solution. It’s an approach we’ll be sticking to!

How did you decide on a name?

We’re all about helping people keeping their pockets full, so like all the great names, Pocketful came about pretty easily!

What’s your ‘why’?

Our purpose is to help groups of people to work with money better. We want to help groups save money and time, as well as eliminating the awkwardness that sharing bills can cause.

What has been the funniest thing that has happened whilst on the accelerator?
Some of the yarns from flatmates we’ve been interviewing during problem discover have been hilarious. Bleak, dark, tales of dysfunctional flats…but ultimately look-back-and-laugh material. It’s a jungle out there, and Pocketful’s coming to get it sorted.

Want to know more? Get in touch:

To follow the progress of the accelerator programme, follow Centrality on Twitter,LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram plus join our community on Centrality’s Official Telegram.

