We’re ready to be part of blockchain history

Nicole Upchurch


After a hugely successful pre-sale, raising 40,000 Ether, Auckland venture studio, Centrality is now preparing for their main token sale on 15 January 2018.

The rise of the blockchain era

Despite market growth and increased prosperity, the majority of traditional tech start-ups fail, even if they’re executed well. The underlying market force (that’s supposed to help supply and demand to reach automatic equilibrium in a free market) is powerless against the tech giants.

Right now, your data is owned by four big internet companies and they use it to make huge profits via their big data advertising model — this power can also be used to stifle and shut down competition. However, revolution is on the horizon, with the creation of decentralised Blockchain.

Centrality is one of the major players in the blockchain movement, developing a platform and ecosystem that enable a more equal and fair world for all users. We discussed their vision for the future of blockchain with CEO and Co-founder, Aaron McDonald, as they prepare for their upcoming token generating event on 15 January.


Centrality is a venture studio who is partnering with leading innovators in key industries to create a marketplace of applications. These applications allow consumers to manage everyday tasks and experiences using peer-to-peer transactions — all via one login and using blockchain-enabled infrastructure.

“We’re creating technology with a social conscience, by giving consumers power over their identity and businesses equal opportunity to win, in one end-to-end blockchain-powered ecosystem” said McDonald when asked about the focus for Centrality.

“We believe the Centrality marketplace will put people back in control of their data and allow smaller companies to succeed by working together, this allows for a fairer world for everyone.”

The main token sale

In 2017, crypto markets proved to be the most powerful force for raising capital and wealth creation for start-ups and next generation businesses. A token sale, or what is commonly referred to as a ‘Token Generating Event’ or ‘TGE’, is an evolution of the unregulated Initial Coin Offering (ICO) crowd funding model.

“Our pre-sale in 2017 generated 40,000 Ether, which we’ve reinvested in the business to grow the team and invest in new IP for the platform. However, we’ve got many more amazing projects on the horizon, so the main sale in January will allow us to bring them to fruition in 2018”.

The money raised during Centrality’s token sale will be used to expand their network, increase the number of users on the platform and encourage more developers to build exciting applications on the Centrality blockchain platform.

“The completion of our token main sale will enable us to accelerate platform development and scale our venture model into new international markets.” McDonald explained.

“We’re also working with partners to help create the gold standard in crypto regulation — and a world-leading fraud detection and KYC check, that’s impressing even the banks. Our investors are pre-qualified and are subject to high levels of due diligence, often more than traditional financial institutions.”

Centrality advantage

Centrality have an advantage over other blockchain companies because they have an established portfolio of blockchain-ready applications on their marketplace; many already have an existing user base and are generating revenue. The applications in the Centrality marketplace have been hand-picked so that they all work together to help each other grow, creating a powerful, one-of-a-kind ecosystem.

The impressive list of apps currently on Centrality’s marketplace include:

1. Aimy — the world’s first blockchain-powered fitness application, which provides personalised, data-driven training plans and coaching tips, to assist everyday users in achieving their fitness goals and objectives.

2. Paycheck — allows you to keep track of all your blockchain transactions in a way that makes it easy to manage and create automatic payments. It also allows employees to make claims that get sent directly to your company to be authorised.

3. Blockhaus sales app — a KYC/AML buyer and distributor validation application and token sales exchange. It is a fully decentralised, customised peer-to-peer exchange, that allows only approved investors to participate in token purchases.

An elite team of specialists

Formed by a world-leading team of entrepreneurs, with significant experience in building and managing billion-dollar technology businesses. Centrality’s technical team come from leading tech companies, blockchain companies and universities such as Alibaba, Baidu, XERO, Google, IOTA, HYPERLEDGER, Consensys and the Max Plank institute.

Along with headquarters in Auckland New Zealand, Centrality have venture studios in London, Singapore and Melbourne, and plan to significantly expand their team over the next 12 months to keep up with the demand, including exploring potential new venture studio locations.

“2018 promises to be a seminal year for Centrality and will set the platform for exponential growth. Centrality and CTIA are excited to share this historical moment with our stakeholders and family of investors.”



Nicole Upchurch

Not going to win a Pulitzer, but I don’t completely suck either