Scotch Bonnet complete: CENNZnet V1 ready for release

Nicole Upchurch
Published in
4 min readJun 24, 2020

In 2017, we came up with a plan to create a blockchain network that was capable of linking applications together and providing a better user experience. In 2019 we delivered our pre-net and now the plan has come to full realisation with CENNZnet V1 release.

CENNZnet provides a superior and safe user experience out of the box. It’s capable of linking applications together to provide a better user experience. Our in-chain core modules help DApps access existing users, so they can build their customer base faster.

Let’s take you through some of the important features of V1 release:

Multi-currency economy

CENNZnet V1.0 supports a native multi-currency economy of “generic assets”. By combining this with a fully integrated DEx (The CENNZX spot exchange)
users and developers are able to seamlessly settle fees and transact in their preferred currencies, creating more natural user-fee-models for DApp developers.

Head to this blog to learn more.

Stability of core components

The new network has undergone extensive ‘stability upgrade simulation testing’ prior to launch. The CENNZnet team has been profiling and tuning all parts of the chain in the lead up to the launch. They were able to simulate different network scenarios on our test chain and are now confident that CENNZnet V1.0 is ready for public use.

We’ve also worked closely with Sylo and successfully upgraded more than 300,000 users to a new major version of our CENNZnet blockchain.

Doughnut permissions V1.0

The team have finalised improvements to Doughnut user protections and permissioning for the CENNZnet V1.0 release. This work includes a user interface for users to issue Doughnuts to apps, friends, customers and colleagues, and use them right on CENNZnet.

Assets at 4 decimal places

The CENNZnet team have implemented scaling of digital assets to 4 decimal places, rather that the standard 18 places. We’re a blockchain with users at our heart, and believe that providing users with a number that is more familiar to them will deliver and better overall user experience.

How is CENNZnet different?

We have created a network optimised for user experience. Instead of common services (like identity) being built as an application on top of the chain, as with Ethereum, CENNZnet services are built into the core protocol layer rather than secondary extensions (i.e smart contracts). This provides developers with deeper APIs to create much better consumer experiences than traditional smart contract networks.

Our library of open-source protocols includes single sign-on, smart wallet, payments rails, data APIs, in-chain gas station, messaging protocol and permissions protocol. These protocols can be used as building blocks to create a decentralised application (DApp) business. The component-based design gives startups flexibility over their product while ensuring a standardised look and feel across all DApps. It also provides users with a uniformed experience across the ecosystem.

In addition to these tools, users can seamlessly move between applications without being subjected to traditional approaches to customer application onboarding. This creates a network of interconnected DApps that users can transition between in a human-centric way.

Being part of the CENNZnet ecosystem allows start-ups to create commercial connections using smart contracts with other DApps who will help them grow. This avoids the cost and speed implications of traditional commercial integrations and partnerships.

CENNZnet has been built using the PLUG framework and has adopted many of the PLUG blockchain modules.

CENNZnet helps blockchain developers circumvent the start-up model by:

  1. Providing access to existing users so they can build their customer base faster.
  2. Providing the core components of any DApp inside the blockchain runtime to get their applications up and running fast, with minimal effort.
  3. Providing an ecosystem for different applications to share in the user pool, the data pool, the merchant pool, and the content pool across the platform to overcome traditional ‘chicken and egg’ scale issues.

Tools that come with CENNZnet

As well as the core components to build your DApp, CENNZnet provides developers with a range of tools.

  1. Uncover — blockchain data explorer and analytics
  2. OnFinality — Set up a dedicated staking node in the cloud
  3. Unfrastructure — An access point to the CENNZnet network
  4. CENNZnet Interface — Developers can interact directly with CENNZnet

Want to build on CENNZnet?

We provide Devs with a range of ways to engage with the platform, no matter what the skill level:

  1. Github wiki / Documentation
  2. Getting started page
  3. Grant DAO
  4. Bounties
  5. Videos

If you have any questions or feedback we would love to hear from you.



Nicole Upchurch

Not going to win a Pulitzer, but I don’t completely suck either