Starting 2021 with a hackathon!

Cathy Breed
Published in
4 min readFeb 1, 2021

It’s 2021 and, complete with tokens, is live on the mainnet ready for cool DApps! To get things swinging and to put their hard work to the test, part of our dev team got together and organised a hackathon. The mission: to create the best fully-functional DApp on CENNZnet in just 8 hours! Check out how they got on.

Team hackathon!

Introducing you to our winning teams!

Our 2 prize winners decided early on that they were into NFTs (non-fungible tokens). Both were excited about the upcoming NFT runtime module being introduced to the protocol and wanted to make the most of it during their hacking time. The results were pretty fantastic.

Team dChoc NFT: creating a secure solution to automated ticketing

When considering their hackathon challenge this team found themselves pondering the various potential uses of NFTs. They are tokens, but they are also totally unique and can’t be replicated. The obvious use for such an item is in the world of collectables, but in this case, the team were keen to find a more concrete real-world use for their project.

And then they hit upon their killer idea: event tickets! They are unique in a lot of senses: they give access to a specific show, at a specific time and often align to a specific seat.

Using this idea dChoc created a DApp which creates a secure transparent and automated ticketing on the CENNZnet blockchain. Using their DApp:

  • No two tickets are equal: event and seat = unique.
  • The validity of a ticket is easily traceable on the blockchain.
  • The transfer of the ownership after reselling is total.
  • No middle brokers are needed.
  • Creates a transparent market with little compromise of privacy.
  • The privilege of the token creators is certifiable.

To do all of this the team combined the CENNZnet’s attestation runtime module with the NFT function. Using attestation the privilege to create event NFTs could be carefully controlled. An event organiser would first have to get confirmation from a venue of time, place and event capacity. Once this was secured they would then need attestation from the artists representative agreeing that they would be performing at the agreed venue at the said time. The process would look something like the flow below.

For Token Creators to be certified they need:

  1. Venue (V) attests Bob has booked the time slot T1 for an Event with N seats capacity
  2. Artist (A) attests Bob has booked a performance for the time slot T2 and the venue V

Only then Bob is privileged to create N tokens for the artist A and the venue V and the time slot T3 when T1 covers (T3 and T2) and T3 covers T2.

It’s a pretty neat real-world use case and all built with a great UI and back end demo. Great job guys!

Some of our teams in action.

Team CENNZnet Properties: Making property purchase accessible and transparent

CENNZnet Properties also had their eye on real-world NFT uses, settling on a project to tokenise real-world assets, specifically properties. The idea is that a house or landowner could divide their property into tokens which represent a percentage share of the asset. These tokens could then be sold to other individuals, for example, family members or renters.

The benefits of this idea are clear and investment savvy:

  • Property investment for everyone
  • Easy access to the global market
  • Total transparency
  • High liquidity
  • Low transaction fees

Equally as impressive was the work the team had put in to think out their UI to make the process as easy as possible for users. The DApp has separate sections for buyers and sellers with intuitive pathways for each to follow.

The time of DApps is here

Congratulations to both teams! They pulled together some super creative ideas and all of the tech behind it in an impressively short period of time.

Their work highlights how many varied opportunities there are for seriously useful DApps on CENNZnet. Using the provided protocol level runtime modules all you need is a good idea and some front end skills to get up and running fast. The sky is the limit!

To stay up-to-date on the progress of our technology, follow us on Twitter, Telegram, LinkedIn, Facebook and Instagram.

