The Futureverse & CENNZnet

Cathy Breed
Published in
4 min readJul 5, 2022

🇯🇵 Translation available here.

The recent Futureverse announcement has raised some important questions from the CENNZnet community. Below is some information to help you understand more about what’s happening.

What is the Futureverse?

The Futureverse is an independent project which aims to provide the tools, infrastructure and world-class content required to build a true open metaverse.

It consists of a few key elements:

  • The Root Network: a decentralised blockchain network optimised for metaverse and game-fi.
  • Decentralised identity, delegation, communications (including notifications and storage) and artificial intelligence protocols: to provide everything from base layer data, interoperability between users, assets and applications, communications and avatar AI capability.
  • Payment networks and wallets: designed to help onboard and connect physical goods.
  • Content assets: a rich set of user-owned digital assets, designed with storytelling at their heart.

You can learn more about the Futureverse vision here:

What is CENNZnet? (a quick reminder)

CENNZnet is a fully decentralised public blockchain optimised for consumer DApps with an L2 layer that acts as a side chain for Ethereum. CENNZnet was built to unlock blockchain functionality for all developers and enable highly secure, fast, and creative DApp projects to thrive.

We have a few key features:

  • Our selection of runtime modules: prebuilt core components (which provide services all DApps need). These work a bit like Plug’n’Play functionalities within the blockchain’s runtime. They provide essential services like messaging and attestation alongside game-changing innovations like the EVM module, the token bridge, and the NFT module. Learn more here.
  • Fast transaction speeds and affordable prices: near-free swap transactions now and forever alongside transaction speeds of 1000 tps (transactions per second).
  • Community governance: a fully decentralised network with a working native DAO.
  • Climate positive: officially a carbon-negative blockchain built on a Proof of Stake consensus mechanism. Any projects built on our network know that their technology is helping to sequester carbon rather than produce it.

What is the relationship between Futureverse and CENNZnet?

The Futureverse has forked some of the CENNZnet blockchain’s open-source code to create a separate and unique blockchain network: The Root Network. While The Root Network will share some of its foundational source code with CENNZnet, it will be developed in a totally separate direction — primarily to help the development of metaverse technology.

It’s worth pointing out here that forking and using other projects’ open-source code is a common and highly encouraged practice in the blockchain community. This is how the technology moves and develops so fast and it prevents single corporations from dominating our precious decentralised sphere. CENNZnet’s own code was forked from Substrate.

What does this mean for the future?

The Futureverse and CENNZnet are totally separate projects moving in different directions.

CENNZnet: As a mature and now totally community-governed blockchain network, CENNZnet is an exciting opportunity for the future of decentralised development. Using the governance module and native DAO, the token holder community is totally free to determine the direction, growth, and vision of the network. The community can choose how to use the groundbreaking tech and exciting partnerships built and cultivated over the last five years. It is the ultimate decentralised network, ready to begin its most critical chapter.

Futureverse: At this stage, the Futureverse is a concept with a whitepaper. But it has a strong community and content ecosystem committed to building with it. This means that the Futureverse will quickly become a much larger ecosystem of successful metaverse projects.

To celebrate the cooperation between CENNZnet and the Root Network, the Root Network is offering CENNZ holders the opportunity to become part of their vision. There will be a one-time 1:1 swap of CENNZ tokens to the Root Network’s Mycelium token (MYCL). This will allocate up to 10% of the MYCL total, which would equate to the full 1.2bil of CENNZ in circulation.

Token holders can choose to swap their CENNZ for MYCL and join the Futureverse journey, or keep their CENNZ and become the foundational governing community for the CENNZnet network. There is also an in-between choice: swap some of your CENNZ and stay involved with both projects.

Advantages of staying with CENNZnet

CENNZnet is an exciting blockchain network in its own right and has the potential to go far in the hands of a dedicated and visionary community. By holding your CENNZ and staying with CENNZnet you will:

  • Be foundational members of CENNZnet, a mature community-governed side chain to ETH optimised for consumer-friendly DApps.
  • Increase your share. Those migrating to the Root Network will be burning their CENNZ tokens. This will decrease the supply of CENNZ, boosting the share of those who continue to hold.
  • Control the direction of the network through community governance in a fully decentralised way.
  • Use the CENNZnet technology to build your own DApps

To hold your CENNZ you will not need to do anything.

Advantages of swapping to The Root Network

The Futureverse mission sees the world moving in the direction of the open metaverse, and they are positioning themselves to lead the revolution. By swapping to The Root Network you will:

  • Join a network with a healthy pipeline of exciting web3 projects committed to using their tech.
  • Become a central part of the metaverse and web3 community, committed to changing the future of our digital world.

