When a side-hustle becomes a full-time job

Sera Jeong
Published in
3 min readMay 22, 2019

Two individuals went full-time on their project, to take their idea to market

CarbonClick is a startup on a journey to create the world’s simplest, most flexible carbon offsetting system. By making carbon offsetting simple and trustworthy for both consumers and business, they are making it easy to go green. CarbonClick delivers trust by providing full transparency into their offsets, so everyone knows their contributions are making a real, tangible difference. It is founded by individuals, Jan Czaplicki and Paul Brady, who met in their previous roles working at a large corporate. They went on to start developing on our platform and take their proposition to market.

What business challenge was CarbonClick trying to solve?

Climate change is the largest problem the world is facing. Action needs to take place, and one of them is carbon offsetting. However, businesses today that want to implement a carbon offsetting solution find that it is expensive, complex process and outside their core expertise. CarbonClick set out to deliver a simple and effective solution so that businesses can implement a carbon offsetting system at a fraction of the cost and time otherwise possible.

The technology

CarbonClick is delivering a carbon offsetting solution out-of-the-box, as a service to businesses. They provide businesses of all sizes the tools they need to offer their customers micro-offsets with their purchases. Small-to-medium sized businesses can access the software via plugins while enterprise customers and bespoke use cases can connect through APIs.

Why blockchain?

CarbonClick aims to enable the ability to ‘micro offset’ the carbon cost of everyday purchases, such as coffee or transportation. To increase trust, all transactions will be immutably recorded using blockchain technology. In other words, blockchain can bring a level of transparency that’s not possible with current systems. It provides full traceability to where contributions go, and which projects get funded. By creating a digital representation of an offset, businesses and consumers can trust that real assets are sold, also preventing double-selling. With reporting and analytics, consumers and businesses have full visibility of the impact that is created.

What Centrality protocols does Carbon Click leverage and how are they critical for CarbonClick’s tech stack?

CarbonClick connects to the PL^G blockchain. CarbonClick will also leverage Sylo as a channel to consumers, and Centrapay to facilitate payments. The decentralised CarbonClick Community feature will use SingleSource to onboard verified users to prevent fraud and increase trust. CarbonClick will also exists as an API or module for other DApps within the ecosystem who wish to implement a carbon-offsetting feature, without having to build the functionality from scratch.

What other opportunities has Centrality enabled for CarbonClick?

CarbonClick first crossed paths with Centrality when they joined the Centrality Blockworks Hackfest. CarbonClick’s pitch was selected as one of two winning solutions from the hackathon. The team then went on to enter the Centrality Accelerator programme to further their proposition and start developing on our platform.

“We are very aligned with the vision of Centrality to create a fairer and more equitable world. Centrality’s ecosystem offers us the opportunity to scale quickly and also gives us access to world class blockchain expertise right here in Auckland” — Jan Ivar Czaplicki, CarbonClick CEO & Co-Founder

