The 5 principles of Numbrs

Published in
2 min readNov 28, 2019

We live in a complicated and noisy world. Almost no one can escape the increasing battle of brands and companies for our attention. The financial industry is a contributor to this noise. As a modern technology company in the financial industry we are aware that we are a part of this world. So we asked ourselves an important question: Where does Numbrs stand? We’ve worded our answer as 5 principles for our brand and our product.

  1. One app for all your bank accounts

With the multi banking app Numbrs users can manage all their accounts, cards and credits in real time — no matter from which bank. This is our foundation: multi banking.

2. Black on white

The basis of every financial decision should be the facts. That is why we follow “black on white” — an old German saying — as principle in the design of the app. Numbers and words are black, backgrounds white. Clear and binding. Like black ink on white paper.

3. Neutrality

Numbrs is not a bank, it is not a comparison portal and it does not offer its own financial products. We are 100% bank independent and neutral. This enables us to support users impartially, independent of banks and without any conflict of interest in the execution of their banking transactions.

4. Clarity

The Numbrs app serves a purpose. Therefore, it must be easy to use and as self-explanatory as possible. We do not accept intrusive advertisements, flashy animations, trendy colours or nonsensical texts.

5. No noise

Today’s world increasingly appears as an indefinable confusion of forms, colours, sounds and opinions. Numbrs will no longer be a part of this development. That’s why we’ve decided to simplify and relaunch our website in the upcoming days with a minimal design concept, remove our previous posts on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram, and question every new number and word with one goal in mind: reducing everything to the essential.



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All Banking Transactions — Simple, Secure, and Neutral.