20 Signs it’s Time to Let Go and Move On

It’s not easy, but it’s the best thing for you

Centre for Men & Families
Centre for Men and Families
3 min readJul 31, 2022


Image by beavera on iStock

Change is never easy.

But if you find yourself going through the daily grind, joylessly moving from one activity to the next without any real sense of purpose, it could be time to move on.

It could be from a job that’s destroying your soul, a toxic relationship, or a past mistake your keep replaying over and over again. But how do you know it’s time to move on? Good question. Here are twenty signs to look for:

1. If the people and/or environment around us create feelings of exhaustion, it’s time to move on.

2. If we’ve lost the joy and sense of curiosity in doing what we once loved, it’s probably time to find something else that inspires us.

3. If our core beliefs and ethics have been compromised because of our situation, it’s time to leave that situation behind.

4. If we’re not having fun anymore, it’s time to find something that recreates that joyful feeling.

5. If we’re faking a positive disposition when the circumstances are leaving us miserable, it’s time to confront this self-deception and move past it.

6. If we’re scared of making changes and settling for our current condition, it’s time to embrace those fears and move forward.

7. If we feel that our dreams are no longer relevant or possible, it’s probably time to remind ourselves of our purpose and take concrete steps to make it happen.

8. If we yearn for feelings of freedom, it’s probably because our current situation doesn’t allow for it. Consider changing that.

9. If our life’s current state does not match the expectations we’ve set, it’s time to be proactive in meeting those expectations.

10. If we have more feelings of sadness than happiness and find ourselves crying more than laughing, it’s probably because of a toxic situation that needs to be left behind.

11. If our thought processes are more affixed to things in the past rather than the present or future, it’s time to make a change.

12. If we find ourselves continually pleading for someone or some situation to change for the better, it’s worthwhile to contemplate whether or not it’s working.

13. If a current situation invokes feelings of boredom, resentfulness, or complacency, it’s probably time to make a change.

14. If rehashing memories causes more pain than comfort, it’s time to move forward and make new ones.

15. If we’re unsuccessful in correcting patterns of behavior that have caused us harm, it’s time to evaluate why and make a positive change.

16. If we feel isolated from everyone else, if we feel we’re not being understood and accepted; if we feel disrespected or devalued, we’re in the company of the wrong people. It’s probably time to find new relationships.

17. If someone we’re with causes us to cease personal development and/or discovery, it may be time to move forward.

18. If we’ve attempted to “make things work” multiple times with no progress, it’s time to evaluate the situation and make a change.

19. If we’ve continually made sacrifices for our significant other that haven’t been reciprocated, it’s definitely time for a discussion. It’s possible that it may be time to part ways.

20. If we’ve neglected our other personal relationships because of some person or some situation, we’re hurting them and ourselves. It’s time to change that

The Centre for Men and Families exists to create a safe community for men to connect, learn, be loved, and belong so that they can journey deeper and experience transformation of the heart and bring the gift of who they truly are into the world. Join the community today.



Centre for Men & Families
Centre for Men and Families

Resourcing and encouraging men to grow in wisdom so they can engage in mature, honest relationships with other men, their families, and the community.