CSEI’s Aspirations for 2022–23

As Q1 ends, here are the goals we have set for the year ahead.


Photo by Jason Coudriet on Unsplash

At CSEI, we set ourselves ambitious 2030 impact goals to match the scale at which socio-environmental problems are evolving. Having such ambitious goals means that there is no time to waste. We need to stay focused on making that impact. While our eye is on achieving scale, we also need to make sure that we take the right next step. This is the reason we decided to implement Objectives and Key Results (OKRs) in our organisation.

In this blog post, we detail our goals for the next year and how it aligns with our long-term objectives for 2030. We also break down these goals into ‘key results’ across the four initiatives — Cities and Towns, Farms and Forests, Research and Development, and Community Building.

Read | Part 1: Thinking Bigger & Part 2: Split, Grow and Evolve

OKRs help us keep the bigger picture in mind. As an impact ecosystem builder, the value we provide is our ability to bring together stakeholders and drive collective impact. In order to do that, we need to first be able to articulate the goal with clarity. OKRs do just that. They tell us where we need to go and how to get there.

Perhaps the most important use of setting OKRs is that it guides us on what to do and what not to do. Saying no is almost as important as saying yes. In our opinion, initiatives fail because they try to do too much and as a result, are unable to achieve any significant impact. OKRs ensure that we only take on work that positively moves us in the direction of maximum impact.

Finally, OKRs help us in hiring and knowing when to bring on new people. If everyone in the organisation has an OKR, it is easy to identify resource gaps and prioritise hiring. When a new person joins CSEI, OKRs show them what the organisation plans to do for the year, what everyone else on their team is doing and how they can contribute to the team. OKRs bring them clarity and help them get a jump start on their new role in the organisation.

Cities and Towns

Farms and Forests

Research and Development

Community Building

Edited by Anjana Balakrishnan

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