21 things from 2021

A look back at the achievements of Centrifuge in 2021.

Lucas Vogelsang
3 min readDec 30, 2021


2021 was unprecedented, but working in crypto has prepared us for dealing with ups and downs. Here are 21 things we did at Centrifuge in 2021 to help realize our vision of Real World DeFi:

  1. Tinlake on Ethereum has over $51M in TVL.
  2. Maker went live in April of this year: $15.5M in Centrifuge assets are now backing DAI and helping to grow the foundation of DeFi.
  3. The RWA Market launched on the Aave protocol, allowing lenders to earn yields against real world collateral, uncorrelated to crypto market swings.
  4. Our first pool hit $20M: New Silver financed over 100 properties worth $21.8M.
  5. Altair won its parachain auction for Kusama with a record 18,342 contributors and a nail-biting finish. It also has one of the most diverse and active governing councils in the Kusama ecosystem and it’s already showing a strong community.
  6. CFG Token holders have voted on 18 referenda including decisions such as the Tinlake Liquidity Provider Rewards.
  7. Our focus for the Altair & Centrifuge runtimes has now shifted to cross-chain transfers (XCM) of both NFTs and fungible tokens. We plan to kick off integrations with Statemine, Karura, and Moonriver on Kusama.
  8. We have nine pools live on Tinlake. That’s more than double the four we had at the beginning of the year.
  9. Our engineering team is currently heads down working on the next generation of Tinlake directly on the Centrifuge Chain. This will allow a more flexible pool set-up and decrease transaction costs and execution time significantly, allowing Tinlake to scale to its full potential.
  10. Maker receives annualized fees of DAI $641,648 from Tinlake pools.
  11. I gave a talk this year on “Real World Assets: Stealing TradFi’s lunch” in London, where I got to speak about where we’re going and why we do what we do.
  12. Our team tripled in size! Hello Adam, Alex, Anna, Alessio, Avinash, Araya, Branan, Colin, Devin, Emma, Erica, Frederik, Guillermo, Helena, Jeannice, JP, Kate, Marc, Michael, Nico, Nuno, Sammi, Solomon and Onno! Join us.
  13. Issuers using Centrifuge are getting ready to grow. Together they’ve raised $20M in VC funding to scale in 2021.
  14. Governance is up and running on Altair. One of the council’s first motions will be the runtime upgrade for NFT Studio.
  15. The role of ambassador is given to community members who show enthusiasm and support for the project. Today we have nine ambassadors who are taking on bigger roles in the project such as facilitating governance and contributing to our documentation.
  16. We’ve grown the network from a few hundred CFG token holders at the beginning of the year to now over 25,000 addresses across Centrifuge Chain, wCFG & exchanges. An important milestone in decentralizing the network and its governance.
  17. Our audience is growing: At the start of May, Centrifuge Twitter followers were 15k, now we’re at 37.7k. At the start of May, Altair Twitter didn’t exist; now it has 11k followers.
  18. We launched the Centrifuge parachain crowdloan on December 15. So far over 7,000 participants have contributed 2.17M DOT in total.
  19. Centrifuge Asia打个招呼!这是我们的中文社区。
  20. Tinlake had its borrower and lender solidity contracts audited by dapphub.
  21. You! You’ve helped make Centrifuge what it is today and we can’t wait to see where the journey takes us.

🖖 🌀 Happy New Year! 🌀🖖

