22 things from 2022

What a year!

Lucas Vogelsang
3 min readDec 30, 2022


2022 flew by, it seems like yesterday, but exactly 365 days ago, I posted 21 things from 2021. Check them out if you want to see the progress we’ve made as a project and how far the industry has come despite the challenges this year.

Here are 22 highlights from our work in 2022:

  1. In the last executive vote of the year, MakerDAO onboarded BlockTower with four pools bringing $220M of TVL to Centrifuge.
  2. We’re going multichain with Connectors which will bring a native user experience to Ethereum, Avalanche, Moonbeam and Celo. Slated to launch in 2023, catch up with the development work that has been happening behind the scenes.
  3. Our TVL is strong at $87M and has remained stable, even grown while most of DeFi has heavily contracted.
  4. Vitalik wrote about RWAs bringing some much deserved attention to the space and specifically highlighting their potential in backing stablecoins.
  5. DeFi Drip: Coffee & Finance is a new series hosted by Cassidy, where she invites interesting people to talk about her favorite hobbies: coffee and finance. The first two guests were Seb of MakerDAO and Kevin Miao of BlockTower Credit.
  6. We are excited to add Coinbase Ventures and L1 Digital to our amazing list of backers.
  7. MakerDAO is scaling RWAs with dedicated MetaDAOs. Centrifuge is part of the Spring Cluster, a soon to be incubated MetaDAO.
  8. Pools on Centrifuge Chain are maturing. Check out the testnet.
  9. Token holders approved the Centrifuge Proposals process created by Rhano and Imdior of the Governance Coordination Group (GCG). The GCG has been on overdrive; read their Q4 update.
  10. The DAO doesn’t just need a governance process, but also a clear direction. Kate started a discussion on the founding documents for the DAO.
  11. 43,744 addresses hold native CFG. 3,089 addresses hold wCFG. That’s a total of 46,833 addresses, compared to the ~25,000 last year. Yay for decentralizing the network!
  12. Security matters. A lot. We’ve concluded the first audit of Centrifuge Pools by SRLabs.
  13. Kevin Miao wrote a fantastic post about private credit on the popular blog Not Boring.
  14. Will Nuelle of Galaxy Digital gave a talk about underwriting in DeFi and covered our work on the underwriter token.
  15. Frederik created FUDGE, a Substrate integration testing framework which provides a simple and generic way to interact with and manipulate the database of any substrate-based blockchain. FUDGE has been funded by a Polkadot Treasury Grant.
  16. Our website got a fresh new look.
  17. Some friends to follow on Twitter: @AriDavidPaul, @Gbbigbuy (Imdior), @Fintech_Khan, @SebVentures, @rwa_xyz
  18. FlowCarbon brings a new asset class to Centrifuge and launches a voluntary carbon credits pool: nature is awesome.
  19. New pools (like Flow Carbon above) are going through the newly established Pool Onboarding Process. Part of the POP is a review by Credit Group, one of the newest functions in the DAO.
  20. We did a ton of talks, moderation, and side-events at various crypto conferences worldwide. Here are a few of my favorites: The EthBerlin: pillars of the next financial system with Aave & friends, Real World, on chain. A Mainnet side event, Cassidy on DAO governance.
  21. Axios, Hackernoon, The Defiant, Blockworks — Thank you for the great coverage!
  22. You! Your continued support and ideas help make Centrifuge what it is today. Onwards to another amazing year!

🖖 🌀 Happy New Year! 🌀🖖

