APRIL DROP💧Maker, Maker, and an AMA with Maker. Oh and $10M TVL!

Published in
4 min readApr 22, 2021

Hello Centrifuge World!

Wow. What a month. We’ve had some of the biggest news to come out of Centrifuge so far, so here’s a round-up of events, so you don’t get FOMO.

To date, DeFi has mostly been a playground for crypto savvy individuals, but with Centrifuge we’re breaking down this barrier by making it easy for businesses to bring their financial assets on-chain and tap into on-chain liquidity.Going back to the ROOTS of why DeFi was invented — this means access to finance is actually being democratized.

Our Maker Integration goes LIVE and the first loan is drawn! 🏦

The team has been working very hard for a couple of years to get our Maker integration live, and it finally passed the executive vote and is now on Mainnet! The first Asset Originator to finance a loan via the pool is New Silver, they now have an extra 5M line of credit. This is just the beginning, starting small and growing steadily over time. Centrifuge is currently working with six companies active in the MakerDAO governance process and together we plan to scale RWAs to back MCD up to 300MM over the next 12 months!

🌀 Full announcement 🌀

AMA with the legends of Real World Finance at MakerDAO 🎙

This Thursday 22nd April 2021, we present you a LIVE AMA with the people that made the Maker Integration happen. So to get ahead of the curve and find out the true implications this has for the future of DeFi and finance in general, join Lucas & Lea from Team Centrifuge, and Sebastian Derivaux, William Remor & Phil Chang will represent Team Maker!

🌀 More info or Add to Calendar 🌀

Centrifuge Composability 🧩

Maker isn’t the only project we are working with to connect DeFi to real businesses and real people. This article kicks-off our composability series and gives an overview of the “what” and “how” of our protocol partnerships.

🌀 Full article 🌀

BY THE WAY we passed $10M TVL 🏦

And now we are over $11M. That is all. No but seriously, there’s pools open waiting for your investment, so check out Tinlake for more details on what is available and a breakdown on each pool.

🌀 Tinlake 🌀

Take a dive into Tinlake’s new onboarding flow 🏊‍♀️

Speaking of investing in Tinlake, you can now onboard in a Tinlake pool in just a few minutes. This post will give you an overview on how our new investor onboarding flow works for your first or next investment in Tinlake.

🌀 New Onboarding Details 🌀

Kind reminder $RAD is now $CFG! 🤩

Just a quick reminder that the Radial token is no more. Enter CFG!

Any other business? 💼

🌀 Our token design & research expert Cassidy spoke at PolkaDefiance, catch the recap here

🌀 We are still hiring!

🌀 Catch us at Polkadot Decoded 20th May, & LendIt 27th April.

And as always you can join the community and discuss all things Centrifuge through our Twitter, Discord or Telegram!




Growth @Centrifuge. Co-founder of Department of Decentralisation.