Centrifuge Community Update

Maya Byskov Gadegård
Published in
3 min readMar 11, 2019

An update from March 11th 2019

Dear Centrifuge community,

Things are moving fast. We are very excited to share the latest developments with you!

As always, if you feel you need more “real-time” updates, follow us on Twitter and on Medium, or join the conversation on Slack.

Development Update

The Dev team keeps their strong rhythm and we now have three testnets up and running: Russian Hill (Rinkeby), Bernal Heights (Kovan) and Dogpatch (Ropsten). This allows us to test the roll-out of Centrifuge across PoA and PoW chains as well as easily integrate with other projects that leverage the different Ethereum test networks.

We are preparing our mainnet launch cycle. This means we will be releasing our smart contracts on Ethereum mainnet as well as launching the Centrifuge network connected to it. We will share more details about which features are part of the release, but as a sneak peek, we will support three document types: Centrifuge identities, Payment Obligation NFTs, as well as the infrastructure of the P2P communication and document exchange.

A new version of the Centrifuge website is live, with a video section for past events as well as an aesthetic lift

hello, world!


We have new people on our blue couch!

We are thrilled to welcome Charleen Fei, software engineer, Cassidy Daly in the role of Token Design and Researcher, Lisa Plesiutschnig as our new Office Manager and Dennis Wellmann as Product Manager.


A few highlights from the past few months.

Maex participated on panels at the World Trade Symposium in London on “the advancing of open integration and the adoption of digitalisation in trade” and at Eurofinance Geneva, “Making sense of the SCF ecosystem”, among many others ;)

The Future of Trade is Decentralised

Last week, Lucas Vogelsang, Lea Schmitt, and Cassidy Daly were in Paris for the Ethereum Community Conference. Some Centrifuge highlights:

Martin Quensel spoke on a panel at Factoring Forum in Düsseldorf, on the topic of platforms: Hype or value?

Last autumn, we co-hosted the DeFi summit in Prague around Devcon as well as a DeFi meetup Berlin.

Cassidy Daly spoke at a Token Engineering workshop in San Francisco, on inflation in crypto networks.

Stay up to date on upcoming events via our Twitter.

What’s up Next?

  • On the 15th of April, we will present at the Token Engineering Meetup in Berlin.
  • In parallel to ETHCape Town: we are co-hosting a DeFi event with a focus on financial inclusion (with Linum Labs and MakerDAO). More details will follow!

Centrifuge Spins

We published the first in a series of deep dives on our Token Design journey.

Designing a token for a functioning economy

We moved to a new office! An old factory building in Kreuzberg with high ceilings and lots of light. We love visitors, so please come by for a coffee or a chat.

Until next time,

Team Centrifuge

Missing a few new faces (but times are good in Uckermark)

Make sure to stay up to date by following us on Twitter and Medium and joining the conversations on Slack!

