JUNE DROP💧Altair PLO, Community Call #14, Tinlake Round-Up and more!

Published in
4 min readJul 8, 2021

Hello Centrifuge World!

June was an eventful month! We’ve launched our Kusama parachain and our crowdloan is now live, Tinlake hit over $25M and is rapidly growing as always, catch up on our last community call and our AMA with Parity Tech, and of course real-life events are officially BACK! Read on to find out more…

Our Altair Crowdloan is NOW LIVE! 💫

Kusama parachain auctions are well underway, but we saved the best until last. Altair is the parachain that will allow you to tokenize real-world assets and finance them on the Kusama network.

For each KSM you stake, you receive 400 AIR tokens and the first 250 participants will receive a 10% bonus! Sound too good to be true? You can find out more about the rewards, and how to contribute in the post linked below.

🌀 Altair Crowdloan 🌀

Tinlake hit over $25M TVL! 🚀

TVL is growing rapidly, and there are more pools bringing more Real-World Assets to DeFi. 4 pools are currently open, including one that just launched. Check out the Tinlake Dapp for more details on the open pools.

🌀 Tinlake 🌀

Community call #14 ☎️

This community call was focused on giving an insight into how Issuers and AOs launch pools on Tinlake. Head of BD Colin Cunningham talks us through the process for Issuers to get pools up and running on Tinlake, and you can also learn from Issuer New Silver, the first to originate real estate loans on DeFi, about what’s happening on the ground in the fix and flip housing market and up and coming opportunities with Tinlake Pools. Missed out? You can watch the full video below.

🌀 Call recap 🌀

Watch the Kusama & Altair AMA recap 📺

Last month saw us host an AMA with Parity Tech’s Will Pankiewicz, Master of Validators, and Cassidy Daly, designer of Altair. The main topic of discussion was of course the Kusama parachain auctions, and Altair, Centrifuge’s Kusama parachain. Curious to find out what all the hype is about? Watch the recap, and feel free to reach out to us with any other questions.

🌀 AMA recap 🌀

Centrifuge at ETHCC4 & Paris 🥂

Bonjour Paris! Events are BACK! Cassidy Daly & Helena Flack will be speakers at ETHCC4, the best Ethereum community conference that exists. We are also VERY EXCITED to be co-hosting some of the side-events during the week, including “Bridge the DeFide Cross-Chain Salon” with Celo, Near, Polkadot, The Graph, and more tbc. As well as the opening party on Monday 19th July! Be sure to reach out if you will be in town!

🌀 Bridge the DeFide 🌀

Epicenter and Centrifuge🎙

Big thank you to the Epicenter team for having us on their latest episode! Lucas and Cassidy explain why the protocol was built and how it works, Tinlake, its integration with other DeFi platforms such as Maker, and their vision for the future. A must-listen to get up to speed with what is happening over at Centrifuge.

🌀 Full podcast 🌀

The Times UK & Raconteur Cryptocurrency Report 🗞

The world of DeFi is hitting mainstream, and we were excited to be part of a report on cryptocurrencies that was included in the Times UK Business section. Educating traditional finance about crypto is always a challenge, Tinlake offers a great entry point to those who are skeptical about it, and co-founder Martin Quensel gives an excellent breakdown of what we do, one even non-crypto natives can understand 😉

🌀 Full Report 🌀

Any other business? 💼

🌀 Lucas also spoke at Polkadot Decoded, you can catch the recap of his talk on “DeFi and the Blockchain Multiverse”.

🌀 Tune in to Martin’s panel at the Open Web stage, CogX 2021 on DeFi and the Marketplace.

🌀 We are still hiring!

And as always you can join the community and discuss all things Centrifuge through our Twitter, Discord or Telegram!




Growth @Centrifuge. Co-founder of Department of Decentralisation.