Launching Centrifuge

Markus (Maex) Ament
Published in
3 min readMar 6, 2018

After a few months of somewhat unusual silence (for me), Philip, Martin and I are excited to announce the official “birth” of our new startup Centrifuge.

We are building an open, decentralized system to connect the global Financial Supply Chain. We call it the Centrifuge Operating System (Centrifuge OS). It allows participants to transact on a global, decentralized network while maintaining ownership of their data, including their validated company details, their reputation, business relationships, and subsequent transactions such as invoices or orders.

Centrifuge OS will be used by developers and application providers to create, consume and interact with the data of the Financial Supply Chain. The OS and its data will be the foundation of many decentralized apps (dApps) — providing completely new tools and ways to interact with the Financial Supply Chain. Although we have some ideas on what is possible with a decentralized system like Centrifuge OS, the real innovation will come from its openness and the community using it to redefine the way businesses, large and small, transact with each other.

Dickes Brett”, as many of our German speaking friends had as a first reaction — exactly like we want it!

We have been heads-down the last few months brainstorming, designing, and building the first version of Centrifuge OS. In parallel we’ve reached out to developers and partners in the Financial Supply Chain community, to get their feedback and more importantly their ideas on what will be possible with a system like Centrifuge OS. The responses are incredibly encouraging and we are looking forward to sharing more on the official launch of the Centrifuge Alliance in the months to come.

As part of our efforts and work, we are super happy to announce our Seed funding round. We are grateful for the opportunity to work with some of the best investors we could think of. A big THANK YOU goes to those early believers:

  • Toby Coppel with Mosaic Ventures, who will join our board and
  • Jason Whitmire with BlueYard Capital, who is co-leading the round and also joining our board
  • Ciaran and the rest of the BlueYard team as well as Simon and Mike and all the others at Mosaic
  • Alex, Stefano, and Yannick with Semantic Ventures
  • Andy and Philipp of AngelList

Thanks as well to Miguel and Lucas for joining this early on and being pillars of our engineering team!

The focus is now on building out our team, launching the product, and working with our first partners on some exciting dApps that are only possible now with this paradigm shift of decentralized, blockchain-based business applications.

If you want to stay up to date on our progress, follow us here on Medium and sign up to our mailing list. And, of course, you can find open positions on our jobs page.

Thanks for supporting us!

Maex and the team

