MAY DROP💧Altair, an AMA with Parity, Tinlake Round-Up and more!

Published in
3 min readMay 31, 2021

Hello Centrifuge World!

DeFi Summer of 2021 is heating up nicely. With RWAs now being used as collateral for crypto, the sky’s the limit! We introduced Altair to the world, the Polkadot Parachain auctions are coming up, and with more Asset Originators being integrated onto Maker, this summer is set to be a scorcher 🔥

Take your assets interstellar with Altair! 💫

Centrifuge is excited to introduce the world to Altair — the home for financing assets on Kusama. Built for risk-takers and innovators who dare to push the limits of DeFi: powered by the AIR token.

💫 Altair 💫

“Kusama Parachain Auctions are Coming, and Altair” AMA time!🎙

We are excited to host an AMA with our friends over at Parity! Join on Wednesday 16 June 18:00 CEST (12 EDT) to ask anything about Kusama with Will Pankiewicz, Master of Validators at Parity Tech, and Altair with Cassidy Daly, designer of Altair.

🌀 More info or Add to Calendar 🌀

Did someone say Real-World Use Case?! 🚢

All this talk about DeFi yet the one thing lacking in these conversations is how it’s impacting the real-world, and the people it was meant for. Well as usual, we got you. Spoiler: One of our Asset Originators on Tinlake, ConsolFreight, was able to help finance their client to deliver PPE to the biggest school district in the US.

🌀 Full details 🌀

Tinlake Round-up 🏦

We are still doubling every month! $20M is coming very, very soon! 👀

All of our pools are currently over-subscribed! But stay tuned because we have a lot more Asset Originators on the way, which means a lot of diversified RWAs for collateral!

🌀 Tinlake 🌀

Centrifuge in the news 🗞

🌀Cointelegraph: “Supply chains reimagined: Enterprise DeFi finances personal protective equipment”

🌀 Coindesk: “As MakerDAO rolls out real estate loans, banking regulators are unlikely to ignore DeFi banks”

🌀 NewsBTC: “Privacy protection: The Future of DeFi”

🌀 The Defiant: MakerDAO Will Soon Hold Real-World Assets as Collateral”

🌀Cryptobriefing: MakerDAO Users Begin Minting DAI With Real-World Assets”

🌀 Supply chains reimagined: Enterprise DeFi finances personal protective equipment

🌀 Building the Future Show: Ep. 466 w/ Lucas Vogelsang CEO & Co-founder at Centrifuge

Any other business? 💼

🌀 You can catch a recap of Lucas’s presentation, “DeFi and the Blockchain Multiverse” at Polkadot Decoded here.

🌀 We are still hiring! So check out the openings and apply to join the dreamteam!

🌀 Catch us at CogX, 14–16 June & ETHCC in July!

And as always you can join the community and discuss all things Centrifuge through our Twitter, Discord or Telegram!




Growth @Centrifuge. Co-founder of Department of Decentralisation.