Summer Update Centrifuge

Markus (Maex) Ament
Published in
3 min readJul 20, 2018

We wanted to give you an update on what is happening in our world. It’s quite a lot, so we want to focus on a few areas that we think are most interesting and relevant. If you feel you need more “real-time” updates, follow us on Twitter.

Product and BUIDLing

Over the last few months, we focused very much on building out our product, Centrifuge OS. We worked together with two large Global 2000 companies to test out the base layer of our protocol and to validate the first pieces of our peer to peer network. As part of this exercise, we launched a private alpha testnet that is not only used by those large corporate clients but as well to build first applications with selected partners within the Centrifuge ecosystem.

A key focus hereby is the “tokenization of assets within the Financial Supply Chain”. We worked very hard to make our vision a reality and being able to represent business documents, such as invoice or orders, as tokens on-chain. Read more about our efforts to create Business NFT’s here.

The team as of April 2018

Team And Growth

Key to building a product and finding the first believers is to have the right team on board. We are hiring and growing selectively but steadily. If you know anyone that you feel we should talk to, please send them our way! We are hiring in various areas of the team, with a focus on Berlin as a location. Speaking about location, we are super happy that we found a home at Full Node in Kreuzberg in Berlin. It’s the perfect spot, being in the crypto space. As an extended part of the team, we are incredibly excited to count Demian Brener, CEO and co-founder of Zeppelin, Joe Hyland, CMO at ON24 as well as Botho von Portatius as advisors to Centrifuge.

Centrifuge OS White Paper

Most of you following us are aware that we achieved an important milestone with the release of the first version of Centrifuge OS white paper. It describes the issues that we know exist within the Financial Supply Chain and proposes a way to address them for businesses small and large. Read more about it out here and let us know what you think.

Spreading the crypto love

Besides building Centrifuge OS, we have been busy spreading the word, online as well as in the physical world. Among other events, I (Maex) got my Money20/20 avatar, while Martin explained to the corporate world what we are up to. Philip and our San Francisco based team worked together with SAP.IO on some ideas for collaboration, including an SAP-sponsored blockchain event where we presented our unique approach.
In the weeks and months to come, you can find us at some selected events, such as ETHBerlin, South Summit in Madrid, or EuroFinance in Geneva.

Happy summer everyone!

