Tinlake v3: Growing DeFi Usability to the Real World

Dylan Dedi
Published in
2 min readOct 28, 2020

The third Iteration of Tinlake, Centrifuge’s real-world assets financing dApp, is officially launched! You can now invest in the first v3 pool and earn RAD through our Radial Rewards Program. V3 pools are revolving: that means you can choose to continuously reinvest your Dai and compound interest, while yielding RAD rewards the whole time.

From Static to Revolving Pools

Revolving pools are an evergreen source of liquidity for asset originators and return for investors: this means that the pool will always spin as long as there are new assets to be financed and investors to deposit funds. Listen in on our last community call to learn more about revolving pools.

Revolving pools offer more advantages for both asset originators and investors:

Investors can now

  • keep their investment as long as they wish
  • continuously increase their investment
  • combine DROP and TIN (less risk+yield/higher risk+yield combo)
  • disinvest based on the average term of the financed assets

Asset Originators can now

  • continuously finance assets in the same pool
  • grow or shrink their pool size as their business goes
  • earn Radial rewards

Tinlake also features continuous automated valuation on-chain (so called net asset value (NAV). Also, oracles can now feed data directly on-chain. It is our top priority to add more and more oracles and further decentralize the protocol. ✨

The Next Step for Regenerative DeFi

During our fall team offsite, we centered discussions around how we hope to see DeFi in the near future. To us, regenerative means that our product has no winner or losers: and not only will it benefit all the users of our circle, but also the DeFi ecosystem as a whole. Check out the slides from Lea’s talk at Liquidity Summit to see what we mean.

We hope to see more regenerative features from other projects coming to our DeFi community in the future! 🌀🚀

  • Questions? Jump on our Discourse and join our newsletter.
  • We always make sure all of our tech is audited before releasing it. Read the full report from Least Authority, who we worked with on v2 & v3 of Tinlake, here.
  • We are also inviting any security researchers to participate in our bug bounty program awarding up to DAI 50k for severe vulnerabilities. Find more information at https://centrifuge.io/security/.

