Mansplaining, Chainsplaining, and Crypto Bros: How to Handle the Haters

Mallika Parlikar
Centuries Analytics
4 min readAug 10, 2022

We’ve seen it all before — the crypto bear market hits and haters come out of the woodwork and crypto bros flex some altcoin that will “promise” to make you rich despite the market. The mansplainers oversimplify the nuances of what is really happening in the market when its bad, and when its good it’s simply because “crypto is the future, bro”. We’ve all seen it, but what do you do about it? Here’s how to handle the internet’s most annoying archetypes:

The Mansplainers

mansplain: verb: (of a man) explain (something) to someone, typically a woman, in a manner regarded as condescending or patronizing.

This is arguably the worst of the three categories because of its gender focus. But, if you’re a women, especially in tech, you have almost certainly been on the receiving end of mansplainers (a mansplainee, if you will).

Most famously, Coindesk received some wrath for this back in 2019, when they released an article titled: What Do Women Want? More Educational Materials Before Investing in Bitcoin. The best part was this eye-catching tweet. (look at those helpless women — they just want education!)

Coindesk continued to state “the survey found women were just as likely as men to see bitcoin’s high growth potential (56.2 percent of women, compared to 56.4 percent of men). They also understood bitcoin’s finite supply could drive future price increases (49.8 percent of women, 49.9 percent of men).”

Unbeknownst to the author, women have an equal likelihood of understanding the potential of Bitcoin! Women also understand that its finite supply will affect future price increases. Amazing to think that women are as capable of critical thinking, and rationality, as men!

So how do we handle this? Just keep chugging along. The more you know, the less mansplaining is necessary. And if you ever find yourself on the other end of a conversation that will devolve into a wretched mansplaining moment, stop it right then and there.

The Chainsplainers

Chainsplain: to mansplain cryptocurrency and/or blockchain technology.

It starts off with someone saying, “Blockchain…that’s Bitcoin right?” or “Crypto, yea, Warren Buffett said that was a terrible idea.” Or “Isn’t everyone losing a bunch of money on that?”

Your instinct is to jump up and explain, with passion, the amazing a beautiful technology behind the blockchain and the different movements behind cryptocurrency — you’ll be met with plenty of intrigue and curiosity. Fight the temptation to engage unless asked!

Because, if you do, five minutes later you’ll find yourself deep into a rant about how all fiat currencies have failed, the inefficiencies of government bureaucracy, and the deep, intrinsic value of radical decentralization. You’ll come off as a conspiracy nut and look something like this:

So how to avoid being that person? Empathize with your audience. Blockchain provides a steep learning curve, and its likely no one will truly understand it after one drunken conversation with you. Two, explain the emotions behind the movement instead of the technology itself. What is the motivation behind blockchain and cryptocurrency, and why is it so revolutionary in this day and age? Finally, never forget, the absence of curious questions from your audience means you’ve gone too far and it’s time to drop it! If you’re talking at someone instead of with someone, it’s likely you’ve started *splaining.

Crypto Bros

Crypto Bros: They all tweet “to the moon 🚀” daily, think Elon Musk is a genius, and passionately argue against taxing billionaires as though they aren’t on 25k a year themselves.

Ugh…we all know them. You can spot them from a mile away — they are the bad apple that spoils the bunch, so to speak. 94% of the Bitcoin community are men, and this is widely applicable beyond just Bitcoin. Crypto has a clear misogyny problem and a toxic culture that makes it incredibly hard for women to break in to, if they want to at all.

These guys purport to be the modern day Wolves of Wall Street; they’re always selling and have two pitches: get in on this altcoin or you’ll miss the opportunity of a lifetime OR this coin has already seen massive returns, but it’s not too late for you to get in on the pot and make some money too.

So how do we handle them? STAY AWAY. That’s it. Simple enough.

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Mallika Parlikar
Centuries Analytics

Co-Founder & CEO at Centuries Analytics, a cryptocurrency prediction company.