Sahl Abdulhamid
Ceo in Business
Published in
2 min readAug 31, 2020


Many people in business assume that the CEO’s role is that they are the boss only, where in reality the everyone else connected to the business is there to be served.From employees to investors which expect a return on their investment and strong financial performance by the organization to suppliers where they want strong cash flow to ensure their invoices are paid on it is the due date

CEO roles and responsibilities are more than just being the boss, it includes hiring and firing of employees, building teams, share value return for investors, maintaining and developing outstanding behaviors that affect the company culture, overseeing different functions of the business.

All the mentioned above are important for the CEO for operating a striving organization. Let us begin with hiring and firing. It is a crucial part of the business because a thriving business requires a great foundation and support staff to be run effectively, therefore choosing employees which will do and excel in their role is exampled by walls in a building, which supports a floor above, and the stronger the greater the quantity and the quality the better up to a certain extent which the Law of Diminishing Returns apply. The same goes for firing the staff which are toxic and unproductive, as the two saying go “it is not the staff that you hire that hinders growth, it is the employees that you don’t hire. Looking from another angle it is not the sales employee that you fire that drowns the company, it is the sales staff that you missed to fire.

Building teams is necessary for the CEO and the organization as the organization will benefit from harmony effect which is 1 employee +1 employee=5 employees and for the CEO will be able to focus on strategy and Vision where the employees will turn the CEO vision into reality. Building teams also involves leadership development and the related subcategories i.e coaching.

Investors place their money in a company by buying shares and expect a return for their investment. It is understood that if the company is returning less than £1 for very £1 invested then there is a fault somewhere in the business systems where is it needs rectification and improvement.

The organization is usually divided into functions those are HR, general management, finance, research and development, and some more. These functions report overall to the CEO and it is the CEO’s responsibility to oversee them and make sure that they are adequately operating and performing.

