How To Gain Business Momentum

ken gosnell
CEO Reads
Published in
4 min readFeb 24, 2022

Every leader can lose momentum and struggle to find the right level of energy to complete tasks in a productive and effective way. One of the most important elements for any leader is their energy level, since it is often easy for leaders to focus on all the things that are going wrong in business or in life. The resulting overload drains their energy.

A change of attention can often bring a change of mind. When a leader moves their thinking from worrying too much about the future to remembering the successes of the past, they can make a shift from depletion to energetic. One way to make this mind shift and build momentum is by going through the process of building “win walls.”

The Concept Of Win Walls

A win wall is a page where the leader can chronicle the breakthroughs, successes and positive movements in their life and business. My company puts on what we call the CXP CEO Retreat and we dedicate a portion of each retreat day to the win wall process. We want to help leaders and CEOs focus on what is working and therefore know where to invest more time and energy in order to build momentum in their organization. We believe that when a leader finds wins or breakthroughs, they become a pathway for a leader to follow. When a leader stops long enough to recognize the good things happening in their life, they can quickly change their energy level.

This technique can easily be applied to any day in the life of a leader. The ability to pause and recount the good that has taken place will inspire us to keep going. Wins can be defined as any movement toward success and can occur in the business, personal or spiritual area of your life. Wins can be small steps or big breakthroughs.

Recognizing Wins

The first step to building a win wall is to review a set period of time and think about the best feelings, decisions or outcomes that occurred. To create a robust win wall, it is important to track both big and small wins. It is often easiest to start with the previous day and record one or two positive things that happened. One win will often trigger thoughts of many wins. It is important to let the writing flow and not focus too intensely on a single win in order to avoid losing the opportunity to capture as many wins as possible during this exercise.

Wins can be written as a list, a mind map or drawn as a picture or graph. Think about what motivates you as you look at your win wall. It is important to have fun with this, so make the writing process work for you. It’s not about how wordy your wall is, but rather the motivation you derive when you review it.

It is also essential to consider different areas of life to remember the wins of life. During some seasons in leadership, you might record more wins in business and in other seasons, more wins in your personal life. A win anywhere in your life can create more wins in general.

Push yourself to record as many wins as possible. The more you can write, the more momentum you will start to feel. Many leaders are quickly amazed by how many wins they have experienced over a short period of time. Life is filled with many wins; the key to a successful life is recognizing the wins when they happen.

Ordering Your Wins

The next step to building a robust win wall is to order your wins. Pick three to five items that you would classify as your most critical breakthroughs. Focus on them and celebrate them. These top wins are the ones that inspire you and motivate you to see where success is happening in your life.

Sharing Your Wins

The next step is to share those top items with your CEO team or your team at work. Wins that are recognized and celebrated are more likely to be repeated. The ability to share your wins will often motivate and inspire others too since wins have the power to inspire and energize.

Envisioning Your Next Wins

The final step of building a win wall is to vision-cast out for a certain period of time. Start envisioning what new wins could and should happen in the various areas of your life in the coming days. When new visionary wins are written down, you will invest more energy into making the aspirational wins actual wins.

A win wall is a momentum-maker. The ability to recount and envision new wins can elevate your life and leadership’s energy and positivity.



ken gosnell
CEO Reads

I am the founder and chief experience officer of CEO Experience (CXP). CXP partners with CEOs and business leaders to help them hear the words Well Done.