My interview with a Christian CEO

ken gosnell
CEO Reads
Published in
3 min readMay 4, 2023

Recently I was able to sit down with a Christian CEO and ask them a series of questions about their faith has impacted their work. Please find below a few of the questions that I asked, and the answers that were providing by a leading Christian CEO in the marketplace.

Question: What inspired you to start a business that honors God, and how does your faith inform your business practices?

Answer: I’ve always believed that God has given me a passion for entrepreneurship and a desire to serve others through my work. My faith plays a critical role in how I approach every aspect of my business, from the products and services we offer to the way we treat our customers and employees.

Question: How do you balance your business goals and the values of your faith, particularly in challenging situations where the two may seem at odds?

Answer: It’s not always easy, but I try to stay grounded in my faith and seek guidance from God when faced with difficult decisions. I also prioritize transparency and open communication with my team, so that we can work together to find solutions that honor both our business goals and our Christian values.

Question: How do you seek to make a positive impact on your community through your business?

Answer: One of our core values as a company is social responsibility. We actively seek out opportunities to partner with local organizations and support causes that align with our Christian values, such as fighting poverty and promoting education.

Question: How do you integrate prayer and other spiritual disciplines into your daily work routine?

Answer: Prayer is a central part of my daily routine, and I also encourage my team to take time for reflection and spiritual growth. We often start our meetings with a moment of silence or a short prayer, and we offer resources such as devotional readings to help our employees deepen their faith.

Question: How do you prioritize ethical business practices and ensure that you and your employees act with integrity?

Answer: We have a strong code of ethics that guides every aspect of our business, from how we treat our customers to how we source our materials. We also invest in ongoing training and education for our team, so that they have the tools they need to make ethical decisions in every situation.

Question: How do you engage with and serve customers who may hold different religious or moral beliefs than you do?

Answer: We strive to treat every customer with respect and compassion, regardless of their background or beliefs. We are always open to feedback and willing to engage in respectful dialogue, even if we may not always agree with our customers’ viewpoints.

Question: How do you see your business aligning with and contributing to God’s larger purposes and plans?

Answer: We believe that every business, no matter how small, has the potential to make a positive impact on the world and contribute to God’s larger purposes. We see our work as a way to serve others and share the love of Christ with the world.

Question: Can you share a time when your faith played a significant role in a decision you made for your business?

Answer: One example that comes to mind is when we were considering partnering with a vendor whose values and practices did not align with our own. We ultimately decided not to move forward with the partnership, because we felt that it would compromise our integrity and values as a company.

Question: How do you cultivate a culture of service and compassion among your employees, and what steps do you take to care for their spiritual well-being?

Answer: We prioritize servant leadership and encourage our employees to see their work as a way to serve others. We also offer benefits such as flexible scheduling and access to spiritual resources, so that our team members can take care of their own well-being and stay connected to their faith.

Question: What advice would you give to other business owners who hope to honor God through their work?

Answer: My advice would be to stay true to your values and seek out guidance from God and other like-minded individuals.



ken gosnell
CEO Reads

I am the founder and chief experience officer of CEO Experience (CXP). CXP partners with CEOs and business leaders to help them hear the words Well Done.