Alex Fortunati Discusses the Importance of Green Cleaning Solutions

Alex Fortunati
CEO Talks with Alex Fortunati
3 min readDec 17, 2019

Stroll through the cleaning supplies aisle of your local supermarket and you’ll likely notice labels plastered with words like “flammable” and “toxic” printed in a bold, leering font.

Though many use these products in their home regularly, it’s clear that they aren’t exactly safe. Chemicals like chlorine and ammonia, for example, can prove fatal when used wrongly or unintentionally consumed.

With more than 20 years of experience in the facility services industry, Alex Fortunati is well-versed in cleaning methods and commercial products. Here, he outlines just a few of the many benefits of opting to use green cleaning solutions for projects of all sizes.

Green cleaning solutions are safer for pets and children

If you’re an adult who can read, it’s impossible to miss the warning labels on commercial cleaning products — but young children and pets have no way to tell a toxic cleaning solution from a juice bottle or a toy. In fact, the National Poison Control Center reports that out of all calls received, those pertaining to household cleaning products rank among the most common.

According to Alex Fortunati, switching to green cleaning products can help to drastically minimize risk of harmful or even fatal exposure. In addition to being more eco-friendly than traditional commercial products, green solutions also include fewer toxic ingredients, making them safer alternatives for those who have pets and children.

Green cleaning solutions promote health

Your commercial cleaning products may be making you sick. Few realize it, but the chemicals you use in your home and office have a direct bearing on your overall health. Alex Fortunati highlights that conventional cleaning products are known to cause coughing, skin rashes, headaches, and various allergies. Many incorrectly chalk these symptoms up to seasonal weather changes, colds, or aging, but the truth is that they’re often directly linked to your cleaning practices.

Conventional products often include carcinogens, neurotoxins, mutagens, teratogens, and endocrine disrupters which can work against your body’s immune system, causing a myriad of symptoms. Green alternatives, on the other hand, tend to use all-natural ingredients which do not disrupt your body’s natural balance.

Green cleaning solutions are more affordable

On top of their numerous health and environmental benefits, green cleaning alternatives are also incredibly wallet friendly. With more and more manufacturers choosing to produce eco-friendly cleaning products, there’s more options than ever (and they’re often more affordable, too).

Because green cleaners have less toxins and chemicals, it’s easy to find all-purpose products, meaning you may be able to purchase one single green product to replace up to two or three various commercial products. Vinegar, for example, can serve as a replacement for window cleaners, all-purpose cleaners, toilet bowl cleaners, and mold removers.

Green cleaning solutions reduce pollution

Commercial cleaning products are a big contributor to today’s overwhelming pollution problem. Green alternatives serve to lessen those negative effects. According to Alex Fortunati, they work to decrease ozone depletion, water pollution, and air pollution. In truth, working towards lessening our global consumption of toxic commercial cleaners may be a key factor in combating world climate change.

In addition to cleaning up the air outdoors, they also promote a higher air quality within your home. Conventional cleaning products release volatile organic compounds (VOCs) which have been closely linked to the detriment of the liver, nervous system, and kidneys, causing a variety of long-term problems. With green cleaning solutions, you can breathe easier knowing that your home’s air is free of toxic chemicals and other dangerous elements.



Alex Fortunati
CEO Talks with Alex Fortunati

Alex Fortunati is an experienced Entrepreneur, CEO, President, and Board Member in the facility services industry located in Huntington Beach, California.