Collaboration is Key


Lila Stone, College and Career Coordinator at J.C. Harmon High School, sees a clear connection between her job and the KU TRIO Talent Search program. Since 1988, Talent Search has provided free college access services to approximately 950 middle and high school students per year in Kansas City Public Schools (KCKPS). Ms. Stone has been with Harmon High School for 7 years, and in that time, she has seen the sweeping impact that Talent Search has at both the school-wide and individual student levels.

Ms. Stone said that Talent Search has been a key source of information for students on the college-going process. The program provides students academic, career, and college advising assistance, as well as hands-on financial aid workshops designed to help students and parents complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). The dedication and hard work that go into planning dynamic family workshops has not gone unnoticed by the Harmon High School staff, and the attendance rates at these events highlight the success. “We could have 100 students and parents show up to their workshops. It’s just amazing to watch.” As a result of Talent Search’s family-focused workshops, Ms. Stone notes that this program also has an impact on participants’ siblings. Participating in the program provides an opportunity for students to set an example for their young siblings by giving them early exposure to the college preparation process. It is Ms. Stone’s hope that through this exposure, younger siblings will want to join the program when they are eligible (6th grade).

Talent Search also provides students support and assistance with the scholarship application process. This aspect of the program is a huge benefit for Ms. Stone, as her current student caseload is extremely high. Ms. Stone indicated that the Talent Search staff serve as supplemental advisors for her students, providing reassurance that students are being fully supported. In 2015, a Harmon High School Talent Search student was selected as a Gates Millennium Scholar, and Talent Search staff were instrumental in this process, notes Ms. Stone.

As a result of the partnership between Harmon High and Talent Search, students have access to multiple mentors and advisors who can offer college visits, career exploration, and college selection advice. “With the KU Talent Search kids, I don’t have to worry about them. Their FAFSA will get done and it will get done right. They’ll do college applications and they’ll follow through on what to do next, and I don’t have to worry about them.” Ms. Stone is able to provide support to more students, which is what her job is all about. “The things that we’re able to do are on a much broader level because of them.”



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