Dr. Perry’s Vision


Dr. Shana Perry, principal at Highland Park High School in Topeka, Kan., believes, “education is the vehicle needed to get to that final destination of success, but it is just one part.”

She goes on to say that educators must break down barriers and provide access to opportunities for students to truly be successful. To accomplish this goal, Dr. Perry leverages The University of Kansas GEAR UP program to close the opportunity gap and increase access for her students. Currently, Highland Park’s GEAR UP serves the entire 10th and 11th-grade cohorts at her school. Dr. Perry said the relationships, visibility, and connectivity GEAR UP staff have with the school staff and administration is an integral part of the program. “When everyone is working toward the same goal, the kids are going to benefit.”

The GEAR UP program is helping to shift the school’s culture by providing comprehensive services that include academic assistance, college exposure, summer programs, mentoring, and networking opportunities. According to Dr. Perry, “it’s not a program, it’s a mindset.” To help students and families shift their mindset around education, GEAR UP regularly sponsors school and community events.

For example, when the cohort students were incoming 9th graders, GEAR UP sponsored the Freshman Experience. These events allowed students and parents to get acclimated to the building, as well as learn tips on how to be proactive in high school. Recognizing the diverse needs of the Highland Park community, GEAR UP had both English and Spanish speakers at these events as a way to break down language barriers.

Highland Park students are also given the opportunity to extend their professional networks through GEAR UP sponsored college visits and field trips. One experience that stands out in Dr. Perry’s mind as being very beneficial for her students was the trip to Kansas City, Kan. to attend the Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU) College Fair. During this event, Dr. Perry noted that in addition to being exposed to a variety of HBCU college options, students were also given the opportunity to interact and network with HBCU alumni, whose educational journey mirrors that of students attending Highland Park. Dr. Perry said this event showed students that people just like them were able to succeed and so can they.



Center for Educational Opportunity Programs
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