What Businesses Can Gain from the Transformation of Brazilian Soccer (article in 4 parts)

In the early 90s, more than two decades since its last World Cup championship title, Brazil hungered for the trophy more than any other country on earth.

Yet the scars from its 1950 campaign were still not totally erased. Dubbed as the saddest day in Brazilian soccer history, July 16 1950 was the day Brazil lost the championship to Uruguay right on their home soil, and the winner’s speech prepared for Brazil had to be scrapped.


Read full blog part 1

part 2

part 3

part 4



Vivek Sood
CEOs’ Essential Reading — A Profitable Dialogue

Love life, work hard, play well. Business model transformation maven, and father of 3 boys living in Sydney, Australia. More? see - http://t.co/ohWPvxcWql