CEREAL 2024 2Q roadmap achieved

Published in
Jun 26, 2024

This is the CEREAL team.

CEREAL achieved its second quarter roadmap based on its published quarterly roadmap.

In the second quarter of this year, we achieved three milestones: creating a demo quest within the service platform CEREAL PLANET, launching a beta version, and connecting DoDream platform content/services.

Detailed information can be found through CEREAL official channels and website.

Created a demo quest box

Released the beta version of CEREALPLANET

Intergrated content/services with the DoDream platform

In the third quarter, we plan to select the first participating universities and link sponsor partnerships (F&B, educational institutions). The CEREAL team will always do our best to ensure that the project continues to grow as we achieve each milestone. A new way to enjoy campus, CEREAL PLANET.

Thank You.

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CEREAL means ‘Campus Experience REAL’ and is a metaverse project that gives the value of actually experiencing campus life in a virtual space. : ir.ce-real.io/