DoDreamChain, 2020 Activity Summary

Published in
3 min readJan 5, 2021

Hello! We are DoDreamChain:)

2020 was a time for steady business development and ecosystem expansion of the DoDreamChain. The DoDreamchain is growing rapidly with three themes: #project & business development #exchange listing #ecosystem expansion.

#Project & Business Development :

Global Security Audit Platform Certik Passes Security Validation (01.09)

Obtain Grade A from the Information Disclosure Platform Xangle (01.10)

Announcement of Token Matrix and Release Plan (01.10)

Open formal service for matching international students for K-Students (06.12)

Open DoTOPIK Content for Korean Language Learning (07.01)

Open a “小红书” account to enter the Chinese market (09.07)

Launches DoDream Specialized Studying Abroad Service (09.25)

Passes the TTA performance verification of ‘Blockchain-based International Student History Management’ (12.04)

# Listed on the exchange :

Coinone Exchange Won Market Listed (01.26)

Since DoDreamChain is a representative project in Korea, it has been listed for the first time on Coinone, which is a famous exchange in Korea and has abundant liquidity and users.

List Dcoin Exchange and sign a strategic partnership (02.20)

DoDreamChain has entered into a partnership to enter the global market by listing on Decoin, a global exchange approved by the Swiss Financial Supervisory Service.

Listed on the Vietnam TOP exchange and VCC exchange (09.18)

DoDreamChain was listed on the Vietnam Exchange, the first target target for global expansion, to expand the usability of DRM for actual users (international students). The VCC exchange supports the deposit and withdrawal of the Vietnamese legal currency dong (VND), and is the top exchange in Vietnam.

#Expand Ecosystem :

Strategic Partnership with Block72 (01.20)

HAECHI LABS Partnership for the Introduction of ‘Henesis’ wallet (03.17)

Business agreements with major universities such as Hanyang University (Seoul, ERICA), Kookmin University, Gachon University, etc. (03.31)

Completion of NIPA Blockchain Technology Validation PoC Support Project (12.18)

DoDreamChain has signed various partnerships this year to expand the value of utilization of DRM and expand the ecosystem.

In 2021, DoDreamChain will realize the true value of DRM based on the services launched so far, and will develop into a Korean integrated O2O platform suitable for Korea’s rising economic and cultural position in the global market.

Thank you for always supporting me.

*Studying abroad Platform DoDream Service :
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*Studying abroad Platform DoDream Facebook :



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CEREAL means ‘Campus Experience REAL’ and is a metaverse project that gives the value of actually experiencing campus life in a virtual space. :