AKRO Token: The Smart Contract Audit Provided By CertiK

Published in
2 min readAug 7, 2019

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CertiK is proud to have successfully completed an audit of the vesting smart contract andtimelock for the AKRO token. After the implementation of suggested recommendations, the Akropolis team restructured the vesting smart contract to increase its security. With security paramount to any blockchain, the CertiK team applauds Akropolis Protocol for helping build a secure ecosystem.

Akropolis Protocol

The Akropolis Protocol aims to create a new digital financial landscape by providing a unified program interface for the exchange of value of digital financial organizations.

To do so, Akropolis Protocol aims to address four major areas:

  1. The complexity of starting an autonomous financial organization (AFO)
  2. The geographic lottery of financial services availability
  3. Allowing trust-minimized exchanges of value between groups
  4. Security, reliability, and transparency of informal financial organizations

With security as a cornerstone of their project, Akropolis Protocol needed a partner capable of securing and checking core infrastructure code to help secure their front-end security.

AKRO Smart Contracts Audit

CertiK was chosen by Akropolis Protocol to audit the design and implementation of its soon to be released time lock and vesting smart contracts for their AKRO token.

Kate Kurbanova, Akropolis co-founder, added:

“We are delighted with our experience of working with such a professional and responsive audit team. Collectively, we were able to meet our tight deadlines and get an additional verification of a critical piece of code”.

To ensure comprehensive protection, CertiK analyzed the source code with our proprietary Formal Verification engine, and manually reviewed by our smart contract experts and engineers. CertiK’s end-to-end process ensures proof of stability as well as a hands-on, engineering-focused process to close potential loopholes and recommend design changes in accordance with the report.

Overall, CertiK found the Akropolis Protocol smart contracts to follow good practices. With the final update of source code and delivery of the audit report, we conclude that the contract is structurally sound and not vulnerable to any classically known anti-patterns or security issues.

About CertiK

CertiK is a blockchain and smart contract verification platform founded by top Formal Verification experts from Yale and Columbia University. Incubated by Binance Labs, Certik has strategic partnerships with the world’s leading crypto exchanges such as Binance, OKEx, and Huobi, as well as protocols such as NEO, ICON, and QuarkChain.

CertiK’s formal verification method works differently than traditional testing approaches: rather than working manually, CertiK mathematically proves blockchain ecosystem and smart contracts are hacker-resistant and bug-free at scale. CertiK has secured over $4B in asset value, auditing several projects across all major protocols, including BNB, Terra, Crypto.com, and TUSD.

To request the audit/verification of your smart contracts, please email audit@certik.org or visit certik.org to submit the request.

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