Top Stories published by cesarafonso in 2015

WebAPI with CORS — IIS Intercepts OPTIONS Verb

Note: In this post, I’ll ignore JSONP since it’s a “workaround” to the topic. Also, CORS doesn’t have anything to do with an Irish band.

When exposing a REST API, you have to consider whether you want to allow CORS or not…

Priming effect

“Priming is an implicit memory effect in which exposure to one stimulus influences a response to another stimulus. (…) For example, if a person reads a list of words including the word table, and is later asked to complete a word starting with tab, the probability that he or she will answer table is…

A bug costing 370 million dollars

A couple of months ago I wrote a post about Software quality assurance. Long story short, having a bug in a website for a local grocery store is one thing, having a bug in a medical device, a jet fighter or a commercial airplane is a totally different story. Here’s a…

These were the top 10 stories published by cesarafonso in 2015. You can also dive into monthly archives for 2015 by using the calendar at the top of this page.