What is Cryptocurrency and What is it Really Made Up For?

C Estates Inc
Published in
3 min readMar 21, 2019

Isn’t it unfair when your friends invite you for dinner and the small talk and gossip turns into a topic that you have no knowledge about? That’s what it’s like to listen to fintech groups today.

If you are someone interested in discovering the latest hype on technology, and it’s your first time to sit in a chat group of friendly technical people, you would most likely hear them talking about cryptocurrency, blockchain and tokenization. I bet this all sounds jargon to you. Any newbie like you in the forum may want to be able to participate, gain awareness and knowledge and share your opinions. Well, before you deep dive into learning their new things, let’s make sure you’ll swim with them in the same ocean.

What is Cryptocurrency?

Cryptocurrency is the combination of the words cryptography, cryptology and currency which, in layman’s term is digital money. Most of us however, are not fully aware about what digital money actually is and the hype surrounding it in today’s technological world.

Cryptography is the ancient art of hiding confidential information in a way that can only be understood by the intended recipient.

There have been hundreds of cryptography techniques since the ancient times and one of which was the scytale used by ancient Greeks and Spartans during military campaigns. The scytale technique is written on a strip of parchment wrapped around a cylinder. The recipient of the scytale can decrypt the message by wrapping its leather strip around the rod and then read the message across.

An example of the ciphertext can be: “Iryyatbhmvaehedlurlp”. Every fifth letter will appear on the same line, so the plaintext (after re-insertion of spaces) becomes: “I am hurt very badly help”.

Cryptology on the other hand is the study of how to execute new techniques in making confidential information more hidden. Numerous of these methods has been carried down to many generations.

Cryptology has been advancing in every civilization. As people progress, so does cryptology which is what is now causing the hype across the virtual and digital world. Combining the multitude of hard-coded computer languages and programming techniques plus the art of hiding confidential information is where digital money originated.

The Cryptocurrency is the money used in the digital world. Perhaps you have heard of some of the famous names like bitcoin, ETH of Ethereum, XEM of NEM and many others that allows you to buy, sell and make transactions and pay fees online.

C Estates believe in forward thinking, innovation and creativity which is why it also has its own digital currency, xCET.

But what makes cryptocurrency secure? The 2 other technologies called blockchain and tokenization are the key factors that play significant roles on how C Estates are building the future standard of online real estate transactions. We will talk more about blockchain and tokenization on the upcoming chapters!

In the meantime, register and be one of C Estates’ first 12,500 adapters of its own cryptocurrency- xCET.

Don’t forget to register to the airdrops, follow some simple tasks so you could receive your very first FREE xCET.

Visit the website: https://cestates.io/ and then click on signup.

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