DLD 20 and Davos Visit Roundup

The first presentation of CEVEN.protect at DLD 20 in Munich

Yannick Zehnder
3 min readFeb 14, 2020


Mountains above Davos (picture by author)

CEVEN.protect, for the first time, presented the Nature 2.0/Sovereign Nature project on a public stage. Our co-founder and CEO, F. Yannick Zehnder (speaker profile) was invited to showcase on stage at DLD 20 in Munich. After a series of inspiring conversations in Munich, our co-founders traveled on to Davos to promising contacts. In the following post, we would like to summarize the most important events and findings at the two events.

The presentation at the DLD provoked excellent feedback and sparked a series of highly engaging conversations. We want to thank you for the valuable preliminary discussions with our trusted advisors.

The general impression we got from DLD is that the market is one step ahead of politics. The implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Paris Accord are a business task. Serious entrepreneurship and the will to create double bottom line businesses out of firm conviction are the primary drivers. CEVEN.protect is aligned with those goals and intends to open blue oceans for charitable and philanthropic engagements that have a clearly and objectively measurable impact. Sustainability and economic viability are far from contradictive; technology is a significant amplifier to create such new business models.

In Davos, we maintained the network in the Blockchain community. The interest in the project is excellent, and the feedback in the discussions is consistently positive. In the course of the popularization of SDGs, projects such as CEVEN.protect are gaining awareness.

Meeting Movers and Shakers


We met founder and CEO Catherine Cunningham, who interviewed our CEO Yannick. Catherine is an enthusiastic proponent of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and is very enthusiastic about helping those who set out to implement them create the right means to tell their stories.


Introduced by Catherine Cunningham, we met Antero Vartia, a serial entrepreneur and ex-parliamentarian from Finland. He is the founder and CEO of Compensate, a pioneer in carbon offsetting all transactions in an automated fashion. A very successful collaboration with the Finnish post “Posti” Compensate aims to issue a credit card that automatically offsets all consumption based on the transaction data from the consumer.


We also connected with Ecosia at DLD. If you haven’t heard of them, make sure to check out their search engine. The ad revenue from their searches plants trees and contributes to carbon capture and reforestation.

Many thanks to everyone who contributed to our DLD presentation and visit to Davos.

To learn more about CEVEN.protect, please visit our updated landing page CEVEN.tech that we are continuously working on.

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Yannick Zehnder
Editor for

Co-founder & CEO @ CEVEN. Bleeding edge tech enthusiast, marketing adept, teacher. Man of many hats.