The Problem of Left-Wing Ideology in Education

Conservative Friends of Education
Published in
5 min readFeb 5, 2023

Author: Stephen James

A teacher and figurehead in the National Education Union (NEU) teachers’ strike, Lucy Preston, is under investigation by the union and her school, George Green’s School, after posing with a placard reading, “the only good Tory is a dead Tory” and “the only good Lib Dem is a dead Lib Dem”.

Sadly, this is just the tip of the iceberg of the nature of left-wing teachers. In an article for School’s Week entitled, What will happen to the endangered ‘Tory teacher’?, I mentioned several personal incidents of how Tory teachers are treated, but the insidious aspects of left-wing ideology and its impact on education cannot be underestimated.

Left-wing ideology lurks in the shadows of ‘progressivism’ — it began long before social media. John Dewey’s call for a “child-centred education” is ground zero. Sir Roger Scruton called this the “relevance revolution” in schools, where the traditional curriculum, focused on hard subjects and classical knowledge, was portrayed as outdated and insensitive to modern students. The idea that children and their interests set the agenda for the classroom resulted in a shift towards trying to please everyone yet pleasing nobody simultaneously!

The Education System has been infiltrated.

A far greater cost of Dewey’s influence was the damage to society as this change came at the cost of cutting students off from traditional British values and knowledge and, in many cases failing to prepare young people for the real world as they lack critical thinking skills, intellectual diversity and traditional values that are ingrained in the fabric of British society.

As a result, the British Education system has been infiltrated by stealth. Critical race theory, Cultural Marxism, and social justice activism are the order of the day… and in most cases, these changes are gradual — you will never put your finger on specific examples, such as a teacher openly lecturing the class on a particular topic, but what you will see is a complete disregard for evidence to follow an agenda that fits their ideology.

The Education Committee’s report, The forgotten: how White working-class pupils have been let down, highlights how White British pupils eligible for free school meals (FSM) persistently underperform compared with peers in other ethnic groups, from early years through to higher education.

Yet as many as 59% of British schoolchildren are encountering content that contains Critical Race Theory (CRT)-derived terms ‘white privilege’, ‘unconscious bias’ or ‘systemic racism’ at school. Add in two critical gender concepts, ‘patriarchy’ and the idea that there are innumerable genders, and the share of schoolchildren exposed to Critical Social Justice (CSJ)-linked ideas rises to 73%.” Source:

The ‘teaching blob’ teaches what is tendentious, what is popular, what is the latest faux offence in the Guardian comments pages, and what is aggressively put on the agenda by a small minority of people who distribute it via the media and institutions which themselves lack the intellectual diversity needed in 2023.

Children and teachers are not victims.

Another major problem with the left-wing ideology is that it promotes a victim mentality and discourages individual agency — it is always someone or something else’s fault. This creates a culture of low expectations.

Being on free school meals isn’t an excuse; it is a challenge. As a teacher, you must create opportunities for them to flourish, not give them excuses — this victim mentality is a gift to the lazy teacher and offensive to the child’s potential. It also stops teachers from taking personal responsibility and believing they are in control of their own destiny — it’s always the government, Ofsted, the parents, or Michael Gove…

In contrast, conservative (small c) Teachers are full of optimism and hope for young people; they see barriers as opportunities and respect young people by preparing them for adulthood. They see it as their duty to provide young people with knowledge, skills, and social graces to help them be respected in the wider world. They enable young people to differentiate between knowledge and opinion and expose them to subjects that make their minds adaptable to change. Small c conservatives will always try and do something about it, not seek blame. Just look at Katharine Birbalsingh who regularly speaks truth to power —

The left stifles intellectual curiosity and free thought.

The increase in political correctness, where individuals are afraid to express their opinions and beliefs for fear of being labelled as “bigoted” or “intolerant”, also stifles intellectual curiosity and free thought, which are fundamental components of a successful education system.

The Education Committee’s report, the forgotten: how White working-class pupils, is a prime example; despite all the evidence to the contrary, anyone who dared to suggest we prioritise those who are falling behind (who just happened to be white working-class) were shouted down. Freedom of speech is the foundation of Western society and has been for centuries.

In education, it is imperative to have a balanced and impartial approach towards political views. A curriculum inclusive of various political perspectives helps students develop critical thinking skills and prepares them for the real world. Students must be exposed to various opinions and ideologies rather than narrow, one-sided views. This helps them make informed decisions and have a better understanding of the complexities of the world.

Educators should encourage students to engage in respectful discourse, even when they disagree with each other. This helps to build their critical thinking skills and promotes empathy and understanding towards others.

Don't be like Lucy…

The Irony of the left…

The insidious nature of left-wing ideology in education means it is promoted through a ‘stealth curriculum’. I do not think this is conscious action because, ironically, they cannot see their own ‘unconscious bias’ and lack the intellectual agility that, ironically, a small c conservative teacher would have offered to help them think their way out — so, in effect, they are victims of the very ideology they promote at the chalkface. #MindBlown

As the Chairman and founder of Conservative Friends of Education, I see it as my duty to challenge this insidious influence of left-wing ideology in education and promote a balanced, well-rounded education that prepares them for success in all aspects of life.

If you feel the same, join us:

Author Biography: Stephen James is the chairman of Conservative Friends of Education. He is a veteran of the British Army, an award-winning teacher, a Specialist Leader of Education, and a fellow of the Royal Society of Arts.

