How to Revise for CFP Certified Financial Planner Exam?

Noopur Joshi
CFP Exam Prep by Achieve
5 min readMar 22, 2022
CFP Exam Revision

Revising for the CFP exam can be difficult. With a vast syllabus ahead, you must revise all the topics and concepts before D-Day. Moreover, as the exam season arrives, some CFP aspirants tend to become nervous and anxious. This could hamper your performance in the examination because your confidence or mood is likely to make a significant impact on your final degree of classification.

You can remove the dreaded feeling with regular practice and frequent revision to give your best in the Certified Financial Planner exam. Organizing your revision can help you eliminate such worries and ensure that you can focus on making the most of the opportunity and ace the CFP exam with excellent results.

Follow these simple and balanced steps before the exam and stay in control of the situation.

Start Revising Early

Revising early is the best plan to crack any exam. If you want to get the best scores in the CFP® exam, you should start laying the groundwork well in advance. You must have already completed the syllabus or made notes throughout the year. But besides this, it is important to revise CFP questions regularly to keep up with weekly revision and coursework.

For the CFP exam, you need a deep understanding of the concepts because you will be required to apply your learnings in most of the case studies. You should know the concepts well enough to apply them to real problems and scenarios confidently.

When you practice with CFP Prep by Achieve, you will also get detailed explanations with every question. These answers will strengthen your core concepts and can also provide alternate question-solving methods. CFP Prep App provides daily revision features that enable you to revise weaker concepts and questions that you have practiced in the last three days. Revising early and frequently will help you to keep the information in your long-term memory and thus, there will be minimal chances of forgetting the concepts.

Organizing Revision Timetable

CFP aspirants should create a detailed timetable to efficiently manage their CFP Revision. You may want to commit as many hours as you could before the exam, but it is important to revise weaker areas.

CFP Exam prep by Achieve offers more than 1900 CFP practice questions as per the latest trends. You can solve various problems ranging from easy to moderate to difficult to find out if you understand the concepts or not.

With the help of our analytics, you can find out which topics require more effort. CFP Prep by Achieve analyses your practiced questions and evaluates your strengths and weaknesses. This way, you can go back to those weaker topics and revise them till you have mastered the concepts.

CFP prep revision

Practice Past Year Question Papers

CFP revision is much more effective and less stressful when you have studied consistently and practiced previous year’s questions from each subject. Simply trying to cram a load of information just before the examination into your short-term memory will make it harder to retain everything. This would often result in disrupted sleep and confusion. You may revise the whole syllabus but to test your retention of concepts, it is important that you regularly practice questions that were asked in the exam. Practicing and revising the past year’s questions can give you an insight into how much you have really understood.

CFP Exam Prep by Achieve helps you practice exam questions that have appeared in previous administrations of the CFP®. You can test yourself under exam-like conditions to enhance your speed and time management.

Revise a little but often

For a CFP student, it is important to strike a balance when it comes to making a revision plan. Numerous research has shown that individuals should have distributed rather than concentrated learning sessions for the optimum performance. This means that by revising little, but at periodic intervals of time-by and splitting your revision across several months can help you get the desired results. This approach will reduce your stress levels and improve your learning experience.

Achieve created the CFP Exam Prep App, keeping this approach in mind. Here you can take the solve CFP practice questions and revise the wrong ones later. The following revision features are provided in the app:

CFP Prep by Achieve Revision Features
  • Daily revision: Through this feature, CFP students can practice the mistakes that they made in the last three days.
  • Bookmarked revision: CFP aspirants can revise all the questions they have bookmarked earlier while practicing the questions.
  • Deep revision: With the help of this revision feature, you can revise all the questions you have marked wrong in the past, i.e.-, you can revise all the mistakes you have made. Our advanced algorithm observes the pattern of incorrect questions and adapts accordingly to give you questions that enhance your CFP score.

Use Memory Aids

While reading notes, you can also create images, flowcharts, mind-maps, or flashcards to retain the concepts. Visualization techniques aid in the retention of concepts and improve your chances of not forgetting important facts. You can use the CFP flashcards to memorize a large amount of information. Flashcards have proven to be a goldmine for many CFP aspirants for last-minute revision and may help you increase your score in the CFP exam.

Eat and sleep well

Succeeding in the CFP exam isn’t just about learning and practicing questions. In fact, you have to look after yourself well during the days and weeks leading up to the final day. Therefore, it is vital that you enjoy a balance in your life by taking out for rest, meeting friends, pursuing your hobby, etc.

Being on top of all other things can help you manage your stress levels and will also control your anxiety.

Don’t forget that your physical health is as crucial as your mental health. Therefore, it is essential that you eat well, remain hydrated, and get a good night’s sleep. Get plenty of quality sleep to process and absorb the information you have acquired during your CFP Prep journey.

The whole exercise would help you keep in a calm state of mind, which is very important before the CFP examination. Keeping your mental state optimal will enhance your revision exercise.

It is always beneficial to reward yourself at the end of the day. After all, you have worked hard and sincerely prepared for the exam. It shouldn’t matter whether it appears to have gone bad or well. What matters is that you did your best, and by planning to reward yourself, you still have something to look forward to. This exercise can motivate you to perform well on the final day.


To ensure that you get the most out of your performance, join the CFP Exam Prep by Achieve. Our advanced revision features will act as a bonus to your CFP strategy. It is vital that you jump ahead of your competitors, and our platform ensures that you get the edge from the first day of your preparation.

Originally published at on March 22, 2022.

