Riot Games Art Videos

Weiqing Teh, Akiraman
CG Boss Media Games
2 min readMar 3, 2023

There has been a series of videos published by Riot Games on some of the Art Disciplines and process of creating Art asses for their games.

Promo art from the Riot Client. via @SkinSpotlights

Have you heard about the Riot Games Art Videos? They are an absolute delight to watch, for anyone interested in game development and the creative process behind making visually stunning games.

As someone who is always on the lookout for new ways to expand my knowledge, I recently stumbled upon these videos and was blown away by the level of detail and care put into each one. From concept art to animation and environment design, Riot Games offers an insightful and engaging overview of their art disciplines.

What I love most about these videos is their length and level of detail. They are not just quick snippets, but rather a well-edited and in-depth look at the creative process behind one of the most popular games in the world — League of Legends.

If you are someone who is passionate about game development, or simply interested in the creative process behind visually stunning games, then the Riot Games Art Videos are a must-watch. Trust me, you won’t regret taking the time to learn from some of the best in the industry.

Concept Art

Environmnet Art

Character Art


