Code your own UI.

Gustavo Severo
CGRectMake App
Published in
3 min readFeb 21, 2016

I've used to have a sketchbook alongside my MacBook to make calculations to secure that my UI components will be responsive on my iOS apps, but now I don't need this anymore.

There are developers and designers that code their UI creating a .swift file (a UIView subclass), creating UIKit components with frames that are created with the CGRectMake( ).

In this article,We will teach you how to use CGRectMake Mac App ( to help you while coding your UI, from Sketch to Xcode.

1. Make your UI very organized.

  • Group your layers, name them and delete any unnecessary alpha space on them;
  • Make sure what is the device that you've made your UI (in this case we've made this UI for iPhone 5);

2. Setup your subclass of UIView

  • Create a <name>View.Swift file;
  • Programmatically create the UIKit component that you want, then add to the view;
  • Create a <name>ViewController.Swift;
  • Create a variable called <name>View that is an instance of your previous created view;
  • Initialize your view in the "override func viewDidLoad()";
  • Type your <name>ViewController.swift as the Custom Class of your View Controller in the Main.storyboard;

3. Find the values on Sketch

  • Remember the first step? “Make your UI very organized”, if you've done something wrong in that step your component will be drawn on the View with the wrong boundaries;
  • In the Inspector (localized in the right side of the Sketch UI) you will have the values that you need to paste on the CGRectMake App;

4. Paste the values on CGRectMake App

You can download it here:
  • Select the device that you've designed your UI;
  • Copy the values from Sketch (or any app that you use to make your UI) and Calculate;
  • Copy the CGRect code and paste on the <name>View.swift, set your component frame as <rectname> after you paste the code;

5. Test on multiples devices

We hope you've enjoyed this article, don't forget to comment and see you next time! :)

With Love,

Gus and Carol.

