Çağrı Esen
Çağrı Esen
Published in
3 min readOct 17, 2020

What is Linux ?

We should know this “Actually Linux isn’t an operating system, it is kernel. “

Lets We Meet Unix

There was an operating system called Unix that developed at Bell Lab. This system used in various universities and other needed institutions.But Unix needed licence fee for usage.Therefore, the number of people who could use Unix was decreasing.

And appeared an idea like this ” we can write and create an operating system and we don’t have to use Unix .” Thus, there were many operating system development attempts. However, the systems developed were not working stably.

Of course, this situation were not stay that way forever..

Linus Torvalds

If you want to say “I am a Linux user”, I think you should research and learn about it’s development history. Also you should watch Revolotion OS documantery. Lets we talk about development history of Linux.


People continued to write their own operating system for not to pay the license fee. Linus Torvalds affected to this situation. Linus wrote his own operating system kernel while at the University of Helsinki and he inspired by UNIX. But he succeeded this without take any code line from UNIX.

After that, Linus TORVALDS distributed the this operating system kernel to a lot of people and development community. He interacted them , in this way developed this kernel. Linus named kernel “Linux”.



The GNU GPL (General Public License) is a type of license that supports open source.

GPL has 4 principle :

1- Freedom to use the program unlimited.

2- Freedom to examine of working of the program and changing for purpose .

3- Freedom to distribute copies of the program.

4- Freedom to distribute changed version of the program.

GPL developed by Richard Stallman. Everything is clear for source codes have to sharing.



GNU ( Gnu Is Not Unix ) is an operating system that including open source tools. It is free and accessible for everybody.

But, this system had not a stable kernel and this situation was a disadvantage. At this point Linux kernel joined to GNU with perfect harmony. In this way, the legend of GNU/Linux was created.


  • Both GNU and Linux developed by a large community. Thus, open to everybody, free and has unlimited potential operating system appeared.
  • Linux is not an operating system, it is a kernel.
  • GNU/Linux is an operating system together.


