A Coder’s Guide to Design — Digest 01

Published in
2 min readSep 17, 2017

A curation for developers who want to learn about design.

Information Architecture

  • Complete Beginner’s Guide to Information Architecture — Information architecture is about helping people understand their surroundings and find what they’re looking for, in the real world as well as online. A great read with lots of additional resources to dive deep and follow a set of awesome people on twitter.

UI Design

  • Little UI Details — A collection of little tips from Steve Schoger (@steveschoger) to improve your visual design skills with the little details that make a big difference
  • Stealing Your Way to Original Designs — Dan Mall (@danmall) sharing his process to come up with an individual design. The more obscure your references, the more sources you combine, the more moves away from the original you can take, the more original your design will become.



A Coder’s Guide to Design is a collection of articles and tutorials for developers to learn about Design and UI/UX. If you like the idea, have suggestions and want to contribute, either head straight to Github or shoot me a tweet at @AlexG0G



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VP, Engineering at sherpa° — helping travellers around the world navigate complex travel restrictions — bringing visas as ancillary services to airlines