Intro: Baby Zeus — Assistant Coach

Clutch Gaming
Published in
2 min readDec 31, 2017


Alex “Baby Zeus” Warren (@BonQuishLoL) is joining us for more winning!

Q: What got you started in League?
A: My entire high school life consisted of me playing World of Warcraft, until a friend started talking about League. I never heard of League or games similar to it such as Dota, but while chilling in ventrilo with friends always hearing them having a blast playing League, it made me wanna be apart of it. As soon as I played my first game as Karthus, I was hooked and never looked back.

Q: What’s your personal take on Challenger transitioning into Academy League?
Seeing how the off season has been and general direction teams are taking with academy, rosters and philosophy are very different from challenger. Challenger used to be putting together the best current roster to fight for an LCS spot in that split. With academy teams, organizations are now looking for long term growth and development under their system, looking to take more risks with up and coming players who haven’t had a chance before. Academy looks like it is going to open up a lot more opportunities for players and bring new faces into the scene.

Q: What made you decide to join Clutch Gaming?
Talking with CG management, seeing the philosophy behind the organization and what they represent had me very intrigued. Learning about the staff and roster I would be working with also had me interested, overall making me feel this is the best fit for me in terms of personal growth and what I can provide for the organization.

Q: What’s your specific duty at CG?
I am going to be an Assistant Coach for CG LCS team, looking to provide the staff and players with the best environment and tools to succeed.

Q: Who’s your favorite champ?
My favorite champion at the moment would probably be Velkoz, always able to play him in any scenario and have fun while never getting tired of spamming him.

Q: What are you looking forward to most in 2018?
A new experience with a new organization and coworkers. I always look forward to gaining more insight and perspective from as many people as possible, and being apart of CG I am very excited to learn from a new environment and structure.

If you have any questions you’d like our academy players or staff to answer, let us know by messaging us on Facebook or tweet us (@ClutchGaming).

