Chôros : envisager un futur commun

Image Aiguë
Published in
5 min readJul 14, 2016

L’événement C’est bien chez vous a permis de rassembler les partenaires du projet Chôros pour conclure 15 mois de coopération et surtout échanger sur nos envies pour l’avenir. Autour de la table : Levan et Iuri de Géorgie, Hana de Bosnie, Henrique du Portugal, Cindy du Maroc, Nicolas, Julie et Youna de France. Et quelques amis et collègues pour porter un regard sur notre projet.

Compte-rendu (en anglais) de cette journée d’échange et de réflexion.

During the last part of activities in Lyon, approaching the end of Chôros’ action plan, we proposed five colleagues* to meet our group of partners**, all five guests being active at international level and involved in EU funded projects. Their role : to be our confidents and mirror a vision of our cooperation in order to shape the outlines of our future collaboration.

The appointment was on Tuesday, 12th of Jully 2016 in Villeurbanne municipal cultural center Le Rize. During lunchtime we introduced ourselves then we went on with a general presentation of the project, then peer-to-peer discussions : each colleague dialoguing with one partner organisation then reporting and commenting to the assembly.

From this fruitful brainstorming session, this article synthesizes discussions, highlights good practices from Chôros cooperation and guidances for future actions.

Visions of the project in the begining

Initiated by theater group Image Aiguë, Chôros was conceived by a trio of organisations (Image Aiguë, IBCCP, Setepès) who previously cooperated together and were involved in Civil society initiative A Soul for Europe. SARTR and Théâtre Nomade were related to the project through various connections and meetings.

Therefore, partners were sharing similar concerns (about civil society, cultural education, cooperation between generation, migrations…) to address in specific ways and environments. Also it makes the project addressing a wide range of issues, objectives and in consequence activities.

This variety was a bit disappointing at some point but the kick off meeting in Porto helped clarifing. Also, the high level of competition for EU fundings requires projects to have a rich content : however partners have a good expertise in dealing with Chôros’ issues (social inclusion, participation, migrations, etc…).

… and during implementation

The project had a simple structure, two sets of activities (one artistic and pedagogic, the other more administrative and turn to capacity building ) implemented locally by each partner. As a result, if Image Aiguë’s specific artistic process was central and common to activities development, it was combined with each partners’ expectations and competences : each had a clearly defined role in the project.

At the end, partners are very positive with the artistic results of the project (transmission of Image Aiguë’s methodology, performances…) but it was more perceived as one way project (Image Aiguë travelling to others’ cities). By chance, visas’ issues gave the opportunity to artists of Théâtre Nomade to take part more actively in the artistic work, not only to benefit from trainings but to search and perform with artists of Image Aiguë, in Casablanca and, for one of them, in Sarajevo.

On the other hand, administrative tasks were considered as very intense and time consuming, even to the detriment of artistic and outreach activities. Maybe in the future should the project be more focused on artistic exchanges.

The fundamental objective of the project was to imagine a common future. Chôros project was a laboratory for transmission and share of artistic, administrative, production, audience development…. skills, a participative and reflexive action for producing energy through culture.

Results of the cooperation

The project allowed partners to be part of a more global ecosystem (“we can share our problems, but also our solutions”) based on our respective skills, know how, expertise and experiences. And activities were implemented in a good way in all cities, despite challenges some partners are facing (financial, political, know how…).

At individual level, the project allowed to put a distance to each everyday life and daily urgencies, being an opportunity for learning from each other and developping your owns. It created a feeling of empowerment and sense of belonging (“I was not Hana from SARTR, but Hana from Chôros”).

As mentionned before, the project resulted in a strong group cohesion : “You are definitely taking part in the same project !” noticed an observer. Furthermore, the project was based on common values, the cooperation was conceived on a clear role distribution, a fluid communication between partners and a good coordination. Also partners could rely on the experience and knowledge of coordinator Image Aiguë, both at the artistitic and administrative level.
Some expressed a feeling of confidence and trust, to be part an open-minded group where one could show doubts. and the chance for each to do what you are good at, therefore finding your own position in the framework.

Impact on partners’ background

Impact of the project were said to be beyond expected results !

Their profiles was raised towards public authories and professional milieu because of the Creative Europe support (first supported project in Georgia, one of the first two in Bosnia-Herzegovina), it also resulted in enhanced professional recognition.
The project required to involve new partners from various fields : cultural, social, academic sectors, officials, art schools… that were in general very supportive with activities. It resulted in initiating new local cross-sectorial networks of organisations and stakeholders , concerned with common values.
It was an opportunity for implemening a non-traditionnal artistic approach and experimenting new formats of artistic and outreach products : to perform outside of theater venues accross the city or country, to reach new audiences (from small children to elders).

One partner stated that staying isolated is not a way out for problems operators face at local level, since most of these challenges have global roots. Another declares : “We managed to overcome difficulties in implementation thanks to creativity ! ”.

This exercise was positive for reassuring our perceptions and identifying new tracks of evolution for our cooperation. Even if these are expressions from people involved in the administrative side it is interesting how the group was influenced by the artistic approach lead by Image Aiguë. Like art has transmitted a “way of life” to the management.

* Marie Le Sourd — On the Move, Alice Henaff — Plateforme Franco-Allemande, Anaïs Lukacs — MobiCulture, Maïa Sert, Sergio Chianca — BuroKultur
** Hana Karadža — Sarajevo War Theater, Cindy Le Clère — Théâtre Nomade, Henrique Praça — Setepès, Levan Khetaguri et Iury Mgebrishvili — IBCCP, Nicolas Bertrand, Julie Plozner et Youna Sevestre — Image Aiguë

Une brochure (en anglais) sur le projet Chôros et ses bonnes pratiques. Petit cadeau de grande valeur à télécharger.

Brochure en pdf

Originally published at Image Aiguë.



Image Aiguë
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l’émerveillement de la différence et l’interrogation inlassable du monde de l’enfance