The Future Of Marketing: Communities Are Coming, Ads Are Left Behind

🚀 Ch Daniel
Published in
2 min readJun 6, 2019

Before, we only had word of mouth. Until 100 years ago, you couldn’t say “brand did not exist”. It did, but it was only local. Very very few were able to get themselves known across the world.

Then technology came. Fast forward to the mid 20th century and advertising came to life. The concept was really simple: shout enough about your specific product and, chances are (high chances, might I add), people will get to know about it.

Part of those will even buy what you put out.

Today advertising is a $500 billion industry.

We’ve seen how “too much advertising” works — this is the present moment. Not exactly perfect.

Yet “influencer marketing” works better than ever — even though they were not invented within the last years. Jesus and Prophet Muhammad were influencers.

So how come influencers don’t bombard us with ads and yet that works better than the classic ad? It’s because of the movement that we’re part of.

We’ve left the shouting behind. It’s too much noise — from some people we don’t know. And worse? Their message is about something we usually not want.

We’ve preferred messages from someone we know AND about something we might want. Or that might be useful to us.

This is the future of marketing. Moving away from too much noise and looking for conversations.

And it hasn’t even started yet.

The best part if there’s no influencer in your industry, which is what the SaaS industry might be like? That just means it’s easier for you to become one.

I help SaaS CEOs reduce user churn, running Chagency_, an experiences design agency and writing daily. Say hi here or on Twitter! đź‘‹

