The Most Important Thing To Look Out For As A Startup Founder

🚀 Ch Daniel
Published in
6 min readApr 7, 2019


Working on the reputation of a product never translated to more digits in ARR — until now.

Word of mouth is all good and dreamy, until it’s not. I.e. until we’re talking about negative word of mouth.

The idea of this tweet was mentioned before in some other articles here and the benefit of having this in mind is not cynicism and bitterness. Not the “woe is me” attitude.

Rather, the purpose of it was to raise awareness around:

A) Tuning in to what people actually want and don’t want, without going through old-school ways like gruesome questionnaires.

B) Reading user feedback properly. Meaning: asking people can result in hearing what’s at the middle of this boring-interesting interval. The answers at the extreme ends will make their way to you, should you know how to read (explained later).

The focus here

When people stop using your product, depending on the vision of the CEO and, subsequently, the attitude of the…

