What The Future Needs From You

🚀 Ch Daniel
Published in
1 min readSep 4, 2019

Whatever’s hard to do today — will be easier to do at a later point.

Setting up an e-commerce store involved quite a lot of heavy lifting — if this was 2005. Today, it takes a couple of clicks. And it can even be free.

What you needed, back in 2005, was the vision for the need for simple e-commerce at scale.

What’s needed at scale in 2025? Bonus points if the answer is any of the following buzzwords, but rather something that can not be brushed off with “It’s too complex”:

  • AI
  • ML
  • AR
  • VR
  • You get the idea

I help SaaS CEOs reduce user churn, running Chagency_, an experiences design agency and writing daily. Say hi here or on Twitter!👋

