“Oooh, I love saffron!”

Cup of Chai
Chai Across the Street
4 min readDec 10, 2023

We were in windy Amsterdam. I was meeting a friend at Café Blooker, and we were discussing how saffron-turmeric milk is my comfort drink. Her eyes glowed with a happy warmth.

Credits: Nikita Vhora

“You’re heading to India, aren’t you? Could you possibly bring back some saffron for me? The genuine kind has a certain… essence that’s impossible to find anywhere else.”

In Europe, the charm of saffron is unmistakable, and few spices shine as brightly. Its story, as layered and enigmatic as the spice itself, melds with the continent’s culinary traditions, infusing them with various flavours from distant lands. For the modern connoisseur, saffron is not merely a cooking ingredient but a symbol of exotic luxury and a reflection of diverse and interconnected heritage.

The exquisite saffron is known as ‘red gold’ for its deep hue and high value and has a history as rich and varied as its flavour. For someone with a penchant for multicultural foods, saffron offers a unique blend of culinary heritage, health benefits, and a gateway to global flavours.

A Brief History

Saffron’s journey to Europe is a tale of spice trade and cultural exchange. Originating from Greece, it spread across continents through trade routes. The Moors brought it to Spain in the 8th century, where it became an integral part of the local cuisine. Each strand of saffron is handpicked from the crocus flower, making it one of the most labour-intensive spices. This painstaking process and its distinctive flavour made saffron a symbol of luxury and opulence throughout history.

While discussing saffron, one must recognise its deep connection to India, where it is not only a culinary staple but also a symbol of wealth and auspiciousness. In northern India, Kashmir is renowned for producing some of the world’s finest saffron. Its unique terroir imparts a distinct aroma and colour to the spice. For Europeans who relish authentic flavours, sourcing saffron from such origins is akin to a culinary pilgrimage, deepening their connection to the global food narrative.

Saffron in European Cuisine

European cuisine’s affair with saffron is centuries old. It is appreciated for its unique flavour and colouring properties. From the saffron-infused Risotto alla Milanese in Italy to the vibrant Paella of Spain, saffron adds a touch of elegance and exoticism to these traditional dishes. It’s not limited to savoury items; in Sweden, the festive Saffransbullar (saffron buns) are a Christmas staple. Thus, its use is not limited to traditional European dishes; it’s also incorporated into contemporary and fusion cuisines. This versatility makes saffron a must-have in the pantry of those who appreciate global gastronomy.

Take my enthusiastic friend from Amsterdam, for instance. Her culinary adventures with saffron epitomize the modern European approach to food — open, experimental, and health-conscious. She blends tradition with innovation, using saffron in classic recipes and her unique creations, like adding it to her morning latte for a luxurious twist.

“Ever since I first tried saffron at this quaint Spanish restaurant, I’ve been in love with its vibrant colour and subtle, earthy flavour,” she says while preparing her signature dish — a saffron-infused risotto. “It’s not just about the taste; saffron connects me to different cultures.”

Her friends are always intrigued by her culinary experiments. “Whether I’m making a comforting Milanese risotto or a delicate French bouillabaisse, saffron adds a touch of elegance. And I’ve also read about its health benefits, so I’m also exploring using it in homemade skincare. I’m all about natural ingredients!”

Her enthusiasm for saffron is infectious. She even started a blog to share her recipes and experiences, inspiring others to explore this exotic spice. “It’s amazing how one tiny strand of saffron can transform a dish in flavour and appearance. It’s a luxury, but a little goes a long way!”

This anecdote illustrates how saffron can be embraced by young, health-conscious Europeans who value both the culinary and cultural aspects of their food choices.

Nutritional Benefits

Saffron’s allure isn’t limited to its flavour and colour; it’s also packed with health benefits. Rich in antioxidants, it contributes to heart health and mood improvement and has potential anti-cancer properties. Incorporating saffron into one’s diet is a treat for the taste buds and a boon for overall wellness.

For those leading an international lifestyle, saffron is more than just a spice. It’s a symbol of cultural exploration and culinary sophistication. Owning saffron is like having a piece of the world’s history and flavours in your kitchen. It inspires the creation of delicious dishes that tell a story — a story of trade routes, cultural exchanges, and the shared human love for good food.

Recipes with Saffron

A great way to start is by trying classic European recipes. Risotto alla Milanese, for instance, is a perfect dish to showcase the spice’s ability to infuse rice with a warm, golden hue and a subtle, earthy aroma. For those who love seafood, a traditional Spanish paella with saffron can be a delightful weekend project. And for a quick saffron-infused treat, a pinch of saffron in your tea or warm milk can be an easy introduction to its unique flavour.

In summary, saffron is more than just a spice — it’s a bridge between the past and present, the local and global. It connects us to the rich tapestry of world cuisines and offers health benefits that align with contemporary dietary preferences. For those enthusiastic about multicultural foods, saffron is not just an ingredient; it’s an experience, an exploration of taste, history, and culture — and perhaps, nostalgia?

Saffron reminds me of my mother. It reminds my friend of her grandmother. So, the next time you see a tiny bottle of saffron strands, remember how it’s a treasure trove of stories waiting to be explored and savoured.

Author: Sushrut Munje

At Cup of Chai, we understand this allure and will soon offer high-quality saffron through our online store, making it easy for you to enjoy this exquisite spice in your cooking.

