The Emerging Coaches of No Repute

Published in
2 min readJul 11, 2016

There’s a trend in my country that’s almost hitting it’s peak. It started a few years ago, and as it’s usual here it has become a gold rush.

They are coaches.

They give themselves fancy titles that deliver heavy doses of WOW effects.

I know one of these coaches personally. His desire is genuine, evident in how he has offered knowledge and services for free, even till date. There are some others like him. Coaches who have a wealth of experience both personally and in the area they are coaching.

I got to know about ‘learning on the job’ when I started working. It seems to be what these new generation coaches are employing.

They are very quick to sell things. They are very quick to say how many figures they earn. You’d hardly hear, feel or see anything authentic about their purpose for coaching.

I met one of them that was quick to tell me about figures earned.

My question is why are you applying trial and error with people’s lives and businesses?

Have you ever thought that you’d be stuck, and having no real experience would keep you stuck or embarrassed?

I tried to avoid confirmation bias.

These new generation of coaches are in it for the money and fame. It’s that simple.

No pedigree, no purpose.

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FYI: this article originally appeared on my website.




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